Sunday, November 23, 2008


Yesterday was the 45th Anniversary of the assassination of JFK.


Yesterday was the 45th Anniversary of the assassination of JFK.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Social Studies Left Behind

Our seven year old son is fascinated with the US Presidents. He has researched several presidents on his own, finding out some interesting facts. He asks a lot of questions, recently I was asked "Mommy, why was Bill Clinton impeached?" (I think I'll let daddy handle that one!) My dad was a history teacher, and "Pappy" loves to talk to our son about the presidents.

I am not too thrilled with the curriculum at our son's school. It is clear that the Federal No Child Left Behind Act's (NCLB) emphasis on reading and math is squeezing social studies out of the curriculum. Our son has had a few civics lessons, and has done a science unit on rocks, but his day is mostly spent doing reading and math. His homework is reading and math worksheets every night. It has become repetitive busy work. I can see a big change in the classroom since I taught art in the district 10 yrs. ago. The teachers seemed to have more freedom to teach creative lessons, they had more time for drama and art projects. Now it seems like there is a standardized curriculum that all teachers must follow.

I believe that a good social studies curriculum can integrate literacy skills. I have written about how a good arts program integrates reading and math skills too. Teaching "across the curriculum" makes learning more meaningful to students, and increases their motivation to learn, and it connects learning to real life.

Here's why I think Social Studies/History is so important:

1. Boys are usually more interested in non-fiction, and will be motivated to read.

2. Social Studies teaches kids to see from many different perspectives, to better understand diversity.

3. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are encouraged. And kids will need these skills to make it in this "techno" world.

4. Students are engaged in the learning process rather than just completing tasks to improve test scores.

5. Teaches kids to become engaged citizens who understand how our country works. Democracy works best when citizens are able to think freely. That's why they call it a "liberal arts education."

Can you name the president pictured?
(Hint: he is considered one of the worst US Presidents and is the only president from the state of New Hampshire)

Social Studies Left Behind

Our seven year old son is fascinated with the US Presidents. He has researched several presidents on his own, finding out some interesting facts. He asks a lot of questions, recently I was asked "Mommy, why was Bill Clinton impeached?" (I think I'll let daddy handle that one!) My dad was a history teacher, and "Pappy" loves to talk to our son about the presidents.

I am not too thrilled with the curriculum at our son's school. It is clear that the Federal No Child Left Behind Act's (NCLB) emphasis on reading and math is squeezing social studies out of the curriculum. Our son has had a few civics lessons, and has done a science unit on rocks, but his day is mostly spent doing reading and math. His homework is reading and math worksheets every night. It has become repetitive busy work. I can see a big change in the classroom since I taught art in the district 10 yrs. ago. The teachers seemed to have more freedom to teach creative lessons, they had more time for drama and art projects. Now it seems like there is a standardized curriculum that all teachers must follow.

I believe that a good social studies curriculum can integrate literacy skills. I have written about how a good arts program integrates reading and math skills too. Teaching "across the curriculum" makes learning more meaningful to students, and increases their motivation to learn, and it connects learning to real life.

Here's why I think Social Studies/History is so important:

1. Boys are usually more interested in non-fiction, and will be motivated to read.

2. Social Studies teaches kids to see from many different perspectives, to better understand diversity.

3. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are encouraged. And kids will need these skills to make it in this "techno" world.

4. Students are engaged in the learning process rather than just completing tasks to improve test scores.

5. Teaches kids to become engaged citizens who understand how our country works. Democracy works best when citizens are able to think freely. That's why they call it a "liberal arts education."

Can you name the president pictured?
(Hint: he is considered one of the worst US Presidents and is the only president from the state of New Hampshire)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

First Grandma!

Have you heard the news that Michelle Obama's mom Marian Robinson may be moving in to the White House? I think it would be great to have a "first Grandma." The photo I have posted shows Barack Obama sitting with his mother in law, relaxing and holding hands, so it looks like he won't mind the "mother-in-law" being around.
This photo was taken while they were awaiting the election results.

Grandma will be there to take care of the two young Obama girls, instead of a nanny. Now here are some real family values to admire.

This is from ABC News:
"Now that the Obamas are headed to the White House, Michelle Obama's mother, Marian Robinson, will be making the move as well. Family friends have told the New York Times that the Obamas relied on Robinson to care for Malia and Sasha Obama while their parents were out campaigning.Robinson, a widow and retired bank secretary from the South Side of Chicago, will follow the Obamas to Washington D.C. to support the first family, according to the Obamas' family friend Verna Williams.None of this is anything new or unusual to American families who have integrated grandmoms and granddads into their households, especially to assist with or sometimes take over child care.Of course, the Obamas are by all accounts an intact and nurturing family, and they don't use a nanny to take care of their two young daughters -- they use grandma."

First Grandma!

Have you heard the news that Michelle Obama's mom Marian Robinson may be moving in to the White House? I think it would be great to have a "first Grandma." The photo I have posted shows Barack Obama sitting with his mother in law, relaxing and holding hands, so it looks like he won't mind the "mother-in-law" being around.
This photo was taken while they were awaiting the election results.

Grandma will be there to take care of the two young Obama girls, instead of a nanny. Now here are some real family values to admire.

This is from ABC News:
"Now that the Obamas are headed to the White House, Michelle Obama's mother, Marian Robinson, will be making the move as well. Family friends have told the New York Times that the Obamas relied on Robinson to care for Malia and Sasha Obama while their parents were out campaigning.Robinson, a widow and retired bank secretary from the South Side of Chicago, will follow the Obamas to Washington D.C. to support the first family, according to the Obamas' family friend Verna Williams.None of this is anything new or unusual to American families who have integrated grandmoms and granddads into their households, especially to assist with or sometimes take over child care.Of course, the Obamas are by all accounts an intact and nurturing family, and they don't use a nanny to take care of their two young daughters -- they use grandma."

Monday, November 17, 2008

The "Center-Right" Myth

The latest media talking point: "America is a center-right country." Really?
I don't think so. This is just more desperate spin spewed by fearful right-wing pundits. Same as the "socialist" and "marxist" and "terrorist pal" crapola. People have been brainwashed by right wing media clowns like Rush and the Faux News Channel who have demonized the word "liberal." Why can't they just accept that most Americans DO want progressive solutions - universal healthcare, higher minimum wage, better public education, environmental protection.

It's not like we are expecting government to solve all of our problems, it's just that the playing field has been tilted SO far against us (because of a failed conservative ideology) we now want some government action. Tax cuts for the wealthy and deregulation does not work. The majority of American voters have rejected the right wing ideology. Someone once said "ideas have consequences."

Thanks to the "small d's": an engaged grass-roots base of community organizers, millions of volunteers, over 2 million small donors- these are the people who helped elect Barack Obama, overcoming the forces of money and power that have been in the way of real change. If we were such a center-right country, then why did the Republicans need to use dirty tricks to try to get elected, while the Dems won on the issues?

The "Center-Right" Myth

The latest media talking point: "America is a center-right country." Really?
I don't think so. This is just more desperate spin spewed by fearful right-wing pundits. Same as the "socialist" and "marxist" and "terrorist pal" crapola. People have been brainwashed by right wing media clowns like Rush and the Faux News Channel who have demonized the word "liberal." Why can't they just accept that most Americans DO want progressive solutions - universal healthcare, higher minimum wage, better public education, environmental protection.

It's not like we are expecting government to solve all of our problems, it's just that the playing field has been tilted SO far against us (because of a failed conservative ideology) we now want some government action. Tax cuts for the wealthy and deregulation does not work. The majority of American voters have rejected the right wing ideology. Someone once said "ideas have consequences."

Thanks to the "small d's": an engaged grass-roots base of community organizers, millions of volunteers, over 2 million small donors- these are the people who helped elect Barack Obama, overcoming the forces of money and power that have been in the way of real change. If we were such a center-right country, then why did the Republicans need to use dirty tricks to try to get elected, while the Dems won on the issues?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Photo of the Day

Photo by Dave Baun, Allentown Chen Arts Group
Can anyone name this Allentown Church?

Photo of the Day

Photo by Dave Baun, Allentown Chen Arts Group
Can anyone name this Allentown Church?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lehigh County Dems Must De-Throne DA Jim Martin in 2011

[1/7/11 UpDate: the popular LVS blog post "Pole Dancing in the Theatre District" has been replaced w/ this even more popular post]

Crooked and incompetent Lehigh County DA Jim Martin has not faced a Democratic challenger since 1999.

Thanks to (hopefully awake now) asleep at the switch Lehigh County Democrats, Martin, a Republican, ran unopposed in 2003, and again in 2007.

It's high (hiccup) time for a change in 2011.

Here's why ...

* Power-mad King DA Jim Martin continuously sticks his big fat bulbous 'n boozy red-veined nose into matters he has no business meddling in, like the mayorship of Macungie. Our DA should have better things to do.

* Like for example reading his mail and preventing quadruple homicides.

* DA Martin routinely abuses the unchecked power of his office to victimize innocent citizens like Veronica Rohrer for grandstanding political gain, while curiously not being able to find enough evidence to charge PA's most prolific serial killer Charles Cullen with any crimes-- and whew, breathe easy there friend of Jimbo, St. Luke's Hospital, you've been spared mega millions in litigation from family members of patients murdered by Charles Cullen at St. Luke's Hospital and screw those victims' family members, eh Jim?

* Martin blows big cases and lets guilty killers walk free (or did Martin falsely charge 2 moreinnocent citizens in this case, it was one or the other, you decide), while shamefully dragging his feet on DUI homicide cases and re-victimizing already grieving families.

* A specialty of DA Martin's is wasting taxpayer time and money on petty, ego-driven power struggles with local judges he doesn't "own" through intimidation or campaign contributions (Martin receives money from contributors on an ongoing basis which he then passes along to judges and other politicos since he doesn't need the cash for his own campaigning because the Dems never oppose him).

* Recently, Jim Martin even enlisted the collusion of his GOP pal PA State Attorney General (and now Governor) Tom Corbett in attempting to advance totally trumped-up and phony criminal charges against a grieving father, yours truly, as vendetta for my having hogtied Martin's hands with public exposure and then quashing his efforts to fix the prosecution of my daughter Sheena's killer. Thankfully, my attorney and I outmaneuvered Governor Tom Corbett and DA Jim Martin's petty payback attempt.

* Along the way, and in arrogantly full view of the press and the public, DA (for now) Jim Martin rewards connected cronies from The Morning Call, the local monopoly "newspaper" that has shielded Martin from all criticism and scrutiny ever since his first (hiccup) stumble-bum day in office.

Don't expect to read about any of this in The Morning Call "newspaper" ...

or anywhere else in our local blogosphere.

Because everybody's either in the bag for Jim Martin, or scared shitless of him.

Lehigh County Democrats, too? We'll see, eh?

If they don't announce a Democratic candidate soon, we'll have our answer.


I have a very personal axe to grind w/ DA Jim Martin and The Morning Call "newspaper" and I grind it every chance I get. You can read about it here ...

and here ...

11/24/10 UpDate: This morning, The Morning Call "newspaper" online re-published, on its front page, their cheerleading news story on DA Jim Martin's re-election announcement that was already a week old. Obviously, the "newspaper" (which has always been a press release machine for Martin) is afraid and feeling the need to counter our efforts here at LVS (around 11:00am, they deleted it because of the mass email attention we drew to it). Game on.

Lehigh County Dems Must De-Throne DA Jim Martin in 2011

[1/7/11 UpDate: the popular LVS blog post "Pole Dancing in the Theatre District" has been replaced w/ this even more popular post]

Crooked and incompetent Lehigh County DA Jim Martin has not faced a Democratic challenger since 1999.

Thanks to (hopefully awake now) asleep at the switch Lehigh County Democrats, Martin, a Republican, ran unopposed in 2003, and again in 2007.

It's high (hiccup) time for a change in 2011.

Here's why ...

* Power-mad King DA Jim Martin continuously sticks his big fat bulbous 'n boozy red-veined nose into matters he has no business meddling in, like the mayorship of Macungie. Our DA should have better things to do.

* Like for example reading his mail and preventing quadruple homicides.

* DA Martin routinely abuses the unchecked power of his office to victimize innocent citizens like Veronica Rohrer for grandstanding political gain, while curiously not being able to find enough evidence to charge PA's most prolific serial killer Charles Cullen with any crimes-- and whew, breathe easy there friend of Jimbo, St. Luke's Hospital, you've been spared mega millions in litigation from family members of patients murdered by Charles Cullen at St. Luke's Hospital and screw those victims' family members, eh Jim?

* Martin blows big cases and lets guilty killers walk free (or did Martin falsely charge 2 moreinnocent citizens in this case, it was one or the other, you decide), while shamefully dragging his feet on DUI homicide cases and re-victimizing already grieving families.

* A specialty of DA Martin's is wasting taxpayer time and money on petty, ego-driven power struggles with local judges he doesn't "own" through intimidation or campaign contributions (Martin receives money from contributors on an ongoing basis which he then passes along to judges and other politicos since he doesn't need the cash for his own campaigning because the Dems never oppose him).

* Recently, Jim Martin even enlisted the collusion of his GOP pal PA State Attorney General (and now Governor) Tom Corbett in attempting to advance totally trumped-up and phony criminal charges against a grieving father, yours truly, as vendetta for my having hogtied Martin's hands with public exposure and then quashing his efforts to fix the prosecution of my daughter Sheena's killer. Thankfully, my attorney and I outmaneuvered Governor Tom Corbett and DA Jim Martin's petty payback attempt.

* Along the way, and in arrogantly full view of the press and the public, DA (for now) Jim Martin rewards connected cronies from The Morning Call, the local monopoly "newspaper" that has shielded Martin from all criticism and scrutiny ever since his first (hiccup) stumble-bum day in office.

Don't expect to read about any of this in The Morning Call "newspaper" ...

or anywhere else in our local blogosphere.

Because everybody's either in the bag for Jim Martin, or scared shitless of him.

Lehigh County Democrats, too? We'll see, eh?

If they don't announce a Democratic candidate soon, we'll have our answer.


I have a very personal axe to grind w/ DA Jim Martin and The Morning Call "newspaper" and I grind it every chance I get. You can read about it here ...

and here ...

11/24/10 UpDate: This morning, The Morning Call "newspaper" online re-published, on its front page, their cheerleading news story on DA Jim Martin's re-election announcement that was already a week old. Obviously, the "newspaper" (which has always been a press release machine for Martin) is afraid and feeling the need to counter our efforts here at LVS (around 11:00am, they deleted it because of the mass email attention we drew to it). Game on.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Allentown CHARGE Moves Forward!

Thanks to all who attended another fun, delicious, and successful Chen Arts Group (CHARGE) dinner party at House of Chen Restaurant on Saturday night. All of our VIP back room reserved tables were filled and over 36 people attended. Soon we will need the entire restaurant to hold our fast-growing group of Chensters!

Special Note: In attendance Saturday Night was world famous artist (and graciously nice man), Mr. Imagination! Here's a link: Use Your Imagination

Exciting News: CHARGE is planning a gallery show in downtown Allentown during the holiday weekends in December and we are confident we can make this happen with so many enthusiastic and talented people working together again in a spirit of community. The Butz family has generously offered their 1st floor space at the Butz Corporate Center at 9th and Hamilton as the space! How cool is this ... let's discuss ...

UPDATE: Here's photo by Itzmedave

Allentown CHARGE Moves Forward!

Thanks to all who attended another fun, delicious, and successful Chen Arts Group (CHARGE) dinner party at House of Chen Restaurant on Saturday night. All of our VIP back room reserved tables were filled and over 36 people attended. Soon we will need the entire restaurant to hold our fast-growing group of Chensters!

Special Note: In attendance Saturday Night was world famous artist (and graciously nice man), Mr. Imagination! Here's a link: Use Your Imagination

Exciting News: CHARGE is planning a gallery show in downtown Allentown during the holiday weekends in December and we are confident we can make this happen with so many enthusiastic and talented people working together again in a spirit of community. The Butz family has generously offered their 1st floor space at the Butz Corporate Center at 9th and Hamilton as the space! How cool is this ... let's discuss ...

UPDATE: Here's photo by Itzmedave

Friday, November 7, 2008

Gay Rights Denied

I have a hard time understanding how Americans can come together to transcend bigotry and ideology by electing Barack Obama as President, and on the same day vote to deny equal rights to gay couples. It doesn't make sense. By voting Yes on Proposition 8 (to ban gay marriage) Americans in Florida, Arizona, and California have voted to legalize prejudice. It seems like a step backwards.

I have heard that proponents of Prop 8 illegally used images of Obama in their ads and fliers. Obama does not support Prop. 8. Also in California many Catholic churches, Evangelicals, the Christian Coalition and Dobson's Focus on the Family were telling their congregations to vote Yes on Prop 8. According to the tax code rule, religious organizations are not allowed to intervene in political campaigns (See the IRS 501c3). They should lose their tax exempt status for violating the tax code rule, and discriminating against gays.

Passing this legislation means that a majority of voters have denied a minority of the population their civil rights. That's not fair. We have a government of judges and courts to protect equality. Hopefully the California Supreme Court will strike down Prop 8.

I believe that electing Obama is a great first step toward racial harmony in America, and I hope he can lead us toward a more inclusive society in general.

Gay Rights Denied

I have a hard time understanding how Americans can come together to transcend bigotry and ideology by electing Barack Obama as President, and on the same day vote to deny equal rights to gay couples. It doesn't make sense. By voting Yes on Proposition 8 (to ban gay marriage) Americans in Florida, Arizona, and California have voted to legalize prejudice. It seems like a step backwards.

I have heard that proponents of Prop 8 illegally used images of Obama in their ads and fliers. Obama does not support Prop. 8. Also in California many Catholic churches, Evangelicals, the Christian Coalition and Dobson's Focus on the Family were telling their congregations to vote Yes on Prop 8. According to the tax code rule, religious organizations are not allowed to intervene in political campaigns (See the IRS 501c3). They should lose their tax exempt status for violating the tax code rule, and discriminating against gays.

Passing this legislation means that a majority of voters have denied a minority of the population their civil rights. That's not fair. We have a government of judges and courts to protect equality. Hopefully the California Supreme Court will strike down Prop 8.

I believe that electing Obama is a great first step toward racial harmony in America, and I hope he can lead us toward a more inclusive society in general.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Barack Obama reflects the light back on us. Yes we can!


Barack Obama reflects the light back on us. Yes we can!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Make Election Day a National Holiday

In 2005. Rep. John Conyers of Michigan proposed a bill to make election day a federal holiday called "Democracy Day." In order for this bill to become law it must be re-proposed to the current Congress.

I think election day should be a national holiday. That would increase voter turn-out, and make more people available to work at the polls. Some people who work multiple jobs are forced to wait in long lines, and may not vote. Some people are not physically able to stand in long lines for hours.

In 2004, 129,000 people in Ohio were disenfranchised of their right to vote. This cannot happen again. With record high voter turnout predicted, we should be prepared, and paper ballots should be available. Make sure you get to vote!

I realize that many states have early voting, and absentee ballots, but making election day a national holiday would convey that voting is an important civic duty and democracy should be celebrated. Most kids are off from school anyway. Other countries have voting on a weekend, and have made election day a federal holiday, and they use the traditional paper ballots.

In Georgia, where they have early voting, people recently had to wait in line for 4, 5, and even 6 hours to vote. Wow.

I think paper ballots should be used and votes hand counted. Some electronic voting machines leave no paper trail and can make errors. I am worried about the touch screen machines. They use those machines where I vote.
I can feel the excitement in the air! Where I vote, normally there is no line, but I guess I should be prepared to stand in line. Our 7 yr. old is excited about the election too!

Make sure your vote is counted!
UPDATE MON NIGHT: I have just heard that early voters have been waiting in line to vote in Fla. for up to 9 hrs. And there are not enough voting machines in battleground states to deal with the predicted huge increase in voter turnout for tomorrow's election. There could be chaos!

Make Election Day a National Holiday

In 2005. Rep. John Conyers of Michigan proposed a bill to make election day a federal holiday called "Democracy Day." In order for this bill to become law it must be re-proposed to the current Congress.

I think election day should be a national holiday. That would increase voter turn-out, and make more people available to work at the polls. Some people who work multiple jobs are forced to wait in long lines, and may not vote. Some people are not physically able to stand in long lines for hours.

In 2004, 129,000 people in Ohio were disenfranchised of their right to vote. This cannot happen again. With record high voter turnout predicted, we should be prepared, and paper ballots should be available. Make sure you get to vote!

I realize that many states have early voting, and absentee ballots, but making election day a national holiday would convey that voting is an important civic duty and democracy should be celebrated. Most kids are off from school anyway. Other countries have voting on a weekend, and have made election day a federal holiday, and they use the traditional paper ballots.

In Georgia, where they have early voting, people recently had to wait in line for 4, 5, and even 6 hours to vote. Wow.

I think paper ballots should be used and votes hand counted. Some electronic voting machines leave no paper trail and can make errors. I am worried about the touch screen machines. They use those machines where I vote.
I can feel the excitement in the air! Where I vote, normally there is no line, but I guess I should be prepared to stand in line. Our 7 yr. old is excited about the election too!

Make sure your vote is counted!
UPDATE MON NIGHT: I have just heard that early voters have been waiting in line to vote in Fla. for up to 9 hrs. And there are not enough voting machines in battleground states to deal with the predicted huge increase in voter turnout for tomorrow's election. There could be chaos!