Sunday, June 28, 2009

Free Happy Hour @ Our New Sidebar

Relax. Get comfortable. 

And spend a free happy hour, on us, reading our blog's new right sidebar content. 

Start with the lovely and talented Sheena Villa ... 

and then work your way through The Morning Call "newspaper," DA Jim Martin, Glenn Kranzley, Bernie O'Hare, attorney (for now) David C. Najarian (Lynn Township Supervisor), DA John Morganelli, Allentown City Council VP Mike Donovan, and hilarious comic relief buffoon characters Mike "3%" Molovinsky and "Father" Alex Joseph. 

Possibly you've consumed some version of these shock-tails before? 

But now, exclusively at our right sidebar, these spirited stories have been distilled straight-up for a truer, smoother, and quicker absorption rate (we know how busy you are) that really packs a wallop. 

Warning: You might find our new right sidebar content sobering. 

Let us know what you think. And please, take your time. We're nowhere near last call. 

Thursday, June 25, 2009

We The People Want Public Health Care

The very sad news of the death of actress Farrah Fawcett today made me think about the many Americans without health insurance who suffer and die from cancer due to not being able to afford treatment for the deadly disease. Farrah was brave for documenting and calling attention to her battle with cancer. I think what the media needs to call attention to right now is the close to 50 million uninsured Americans. And many of those people are middle-class. We have a health care crisis in this country. The majority of Americans (72% according to a NY Times/CBS News Poll)

favor a government administered health insurance plan. According to EBRI (Employee Benefit Research Institute) a conservative organization, 83% of Americans favor "creating a new public health insurance plan that anyone can purchase."

Ironically, the demographic with the biggest opposition to a public plan are the over age 65 group, the same people who are currently in a government run health insurance plan called Medicare. Older Americans seem fearful of any change.

Obama promised us the same quality health care coverage that Congress receives. Everyone deserves health care, it is not a privilege. A public option is the only way to bring about universal affordable health care. In Obama's words, the public plan would "keep insurance companies honest." He is willing to compromise for Republican support, but most R's seem to just want to obstruct everything Obama wants to do. There are some Democrats against it too. And I think the Democrats need to grow a set and challenge the obstructionist Republicans. Let the R's filibuster. Obviously bipartisanship is not going to happen with this issue, so Congress needs to fight for the people's interests. They need to be in touch with the people. I like Howard Dean, he seems to be aware of the seriousness of this crisis .

Meanwhile, the national media is focusing on the infidelity and shenanigans of some governor, while Americans are dying due to lack of health care coverage. And in our local "newspaper", The Morning Call, headline news is constant updates on puppies in need and some hot dog vendor crisis. They need to get their priorities straight.
Photo: Protesters in Maine

We The People Want Public Health Care

The very sad news of the death of actress Farrah Fawcett today made me think about the many Americans without health insurance who suffer and die from cancer due to not being able to afford treatment for the deadly disease. Farrah was brave for documenting and calling attention to her battle with cancer. I think what the media needs to call attention to right now is the close to 50 million uninsured Americans. And many of those people are middle-class. We have a health care crisis in this country. The majority of Americans (72% according to a NY Times/CBS News Poll)

favor a government administered health insurance plan. According to EBRI (Employee Benefit Research Institute) a conservative organization, 83% of Americans favor "creating a new public health insurance plan that anyone can purchase."

Ironically, the demographic with the biggest opposition to a public plan are the over age 65 group, the same people who are currently in a government run health insurance plan called Medicare. Older Americans seem fearful of any change.

Obama promised us the same quality health care coverage that Congress receives. Everyone deserves health care, it is not a privilege. A public option is the only way to bring about universal affordable health care. In Obama's words, the public plan would "keep insurance companies honest." He is willing to compromise for Republican support, but most R's seem to just want to obstruct everything Obama wants to do. There are some Democrats against it too. And I think the Democrats need to grow a set and challenge the obstructionist Republicans. Let the R's filibuster. Obviously bipartisanship is not going to happen with this issue, so Congress needs to fight for the people's interests. They need to be in touch with the people. I like Howard Dean, he seems to be aware of the seriousness of this crisis .

Meanwhile, the national media is focusing on the infidelity and shenanigans of some governor, while Americans are dying due to lack of health care coverage. And in our local "newspaper", The Morning Call, headline news is constant updates on puppies in need and some hot dog vendor crisis. They need to get their priorities straight.
Photo: Protesters in Maine

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Boycott Advertisers of Right Wing Hate

Where is the moral compass of the advertisers who are supporting Fox News and its hate speech? The unfair and unbalanced right wing media has created a dangerous climate in this country which has fueled an increase in violent racist hate crimes, hatred towards our President, and fear of a liberal government.

Voices on the right, like loudmouths Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and Glenn Beck constantly cross the line, spewing hate and anger without taking into consideration how this kind of vitriol might impact public thought. It is disturbing how many people will believe the Fox "News" propaganda as truth, because they really think Fox News is a reliable and trustworthy source for news. 

Here in the Lehigh Valley, our local news media leans very heavily toward the right wingnut variety, with right-wing talk shows on WAEB all day. We have heard professional people we know casually and hopefully discussing the possibility of our President being assassinated by southeners, as if that would be not such a bad thing. It is unsettling when I walk into my bank and I am bombarded with Fox News on all their TV screens. Get me outta here!

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization that tracks hate crimes, reports that participation in hate groups in America has risen over 50% since 2000. According to the report:

"It attributed that growth mainly to fears about non-white immigration, but pointed out that the rise of a black man to the White House also appears to have contributed. And it said the ongoing economic meltdown, which some have already blamed on racial minorities and undocumented Latino immigrants, could well add to a worsening situation."


After enduring eight years in the Dark Ages led by a President who had trouble putting a sentence together and couldn't care less about equal rights, we finally have an intelligent, diplomatic, charismatic, capable, and respectable leader in the White House who has to clean up the disastrous mess left by the previous failed administration and move us forward. And the leader of the Republican Party, radio host Rush Limbaugh, hopes that our President fails. Nice.

Our local "newspaper" endorses hate by allowing racist and homophobic comments at its website online Forum, and this creates a dangerous climate that is bad for our community. And then there's our overwhelmingly NeoCon local blahgassmear that our "newspaper" links to. 

Shame on The Morning Call and Fox News advertisers for endorsing hatred and violence toward liberals, our President, and our government. Boycott the advertisers at Fox News, and at our local "newspaper." Here's a list of Fox advertisers:

And here's a blog that makes it easy for you to send e-mails to companies:

Boycott Advertisers of Right Wing Hate

Where is the moral compass of the advertisers who are supporting Fox News and its hate speech? The unfair and unbalanced right wing media has created a dangerous climate in this country which has fueled an increase in violent racist hate crimes, hatred towards our President, and fear of a liberal government.

Voices on the right, like loudmouths Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and Glenn Beck constantly cross the line, spewing hate and anger without taking into consideration how this kind of vitriol might impact public thought. It is disturbing how many people will believe the Fox "News" propaganda as truth, because they really think Fox News is a reliable and trustworthy source for news. 

Here in the Lehigh Valley, our local news media leans very heavily toward the right wingnut variety, with right-wing talk shows on WAEB all day. We have heard professional people we know casually and hopefully discussing the possibility of our President being assassinated by southeners, as if that would be not such a bad thing. It is unsettling when I walk into my bank and I am bombarded with Fox News on all their TV screens. Get me outta here!

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization that tracks hate crimes, reports that participation in hate groups in America has risen over 50% since 2000. According to the report:

"It attributed that growth mainly to fears about non-white immigration, but pointed out that the rise of a black man to the White House also appears to have contributed. And it said the ongoing economic meltdown, which some have already blamed on racial minorities and undocumented Latino immigrants, could well add to a worsening situation."


After enduring eight years in the Dark Ages led by a President who had trouble putting a sentence together and couldn't care less about equal rights, we finally have an intelligent, diplomatic, charismatic, capable, and respectable leader in the White House who has to clean up the disastrous mess left by the previous failed administration and move us forward. And the leader of the Republican Party, radio host Rush Limbaugh, hopes that our President fails. Nice.

Our local "newspaper" endorses hate by allowing racist and homophobic comments at its website online Forum, and this creates a dangerous climate that is bad for our community. And then there's our overwhelmingly NeoCon local blahgassmear that our "newspaper" links to. 

Shame on The Morning Call and Fox News advertisers for endorsing hatred and violence toward liberals, our President, and our government. Boycott the advertisers at Fox News, and at our local "newspaper." Here's a list of Fox advertisers:

And here's a blog that makes it easy for you to send e-mails to companies:

Friday, June 19, 2009

Allentown City Council VP Mike Donovan Should Resign or Be Fired

Related Morning Call "newspaper" story  

Readers, in case you missed it in The Morning Call "newspaper" recently, oh so "civil" (wink wink) Allentown City Council vice president Mike Donovan has been "accused" (a.k.a. charged) w/ Criminal Harassment and is also facing a property destruction lawsuit stemming from a surprisingly uncivil rage incident w/ a neighbor. 

According to the neighbor's Criminal Complaint, Cedar Crest College professor Donovan said that "me and Diana" (i.e., Morning Call freelance writer Diana Morse, Donovan's wife) were tired of the neighbor's dog. The neighbor claims that Councilor Donovan rang her doorbell several times last month in a "brutal disturbing way," smashed her front glass door, and repeatedly harassed her and her two children about the family dog-- including storming to her 17 year-old son's place of employment and harassing him there while he was trying to do his job. 

The neighbor's Criminal Complaint also implies that, like a robotic "Stepford Wife" w/ an implant in her brain, Diana Morse enabled her husband's harassing behavior and verbally harassed the neighbor's two children herself as well. 

This is the second time in recent months that seemingly "mellow" (on the outside anyway) Councilor Donovan has been involved with the law. In April, Donovan commanded some teenagers in Bucky Boyle park to stop riding go-carts there or face police wrath so one of the boys punched him in the face. 

Although these two rage incidents are troubling and indicative of an emerging "dark side" to Mike Donovan and his wife, they are merely the last straws that should break the camel's back re: Councilor Donovan, in the always humble opinion of Lehigh Valley Somebody. 

We believe these transgressions are much more troubling ...

Morning Call-Affiliated Hate Bloggers Manipulating Allentown Politics

Readers, for the past year or so, embittered, vendetta-driven 2005 Allentown Mayoral Election loser and South Whitehall Township resident and rabid NeoCon, Mike "3%" (and that's how few votes he got in '05) Molovinsky, has become, incredibly, one of councilor Donovan's "advisors" on matters affecting Allentown. 

Even worse, another of Donovan's insider-access "advisors" is Mayor Pawlowski-Bashing Nazareth PA resident and fellow hate blogger, Bernie O'Hare, co-creator of the shamelessly dishonest, sadistically cruel, and Morning Call-Approved "Troll Parade" blog. 

All three "men" are hand-picked members of Valley Blogosphere, The Morning Call's "newspaper" dissent-quashing and political agenda-framing group assembled by Glenn Kranzley.  

Councilor Donovan: we are judged by the company we keep and you are cavorting w/ and soliciting the counsel of corrosive and divisive out-of-town cretins. And in your spare time, it appears you are smashing the glass front doors of neighbors whose behavior you disagree w/ . 

How uncivil for a City Council VP (for now) to behave. 

Allentown City Council VP Mike Donovan Should Resign or Be Fired

Related Morning Call "newspaper" story  

Readers, in case you missed it in The Morning Call "newspaper" recently, oh so "civil" (wink wink) Allentown City Council vice president Mike Donovan has been "accused" (a.k.a. charged) w/ Criminal Harassment and is also facing a property destruction lawsuit stemming from a surprisingly uncivil rage incident w/ a neighbor. 

According to the neighbor's Criminal Complaint, Cedar Crest College professor Donovan said that "me and Diana" (i.e., Morning Call freelance writer Diana Morse, Donovan's wife) were tired of the neighbor's dog. The neighbor claims that Councilor Donovan rang her doorbell several times last month in a "brutal disturbing way," smashed her front glass door, and repeatedly harassed her and her two children about the family dog-- including storming to her 17 year-old son's place of employment and harassing him there while he was trying to do his job. 

The neighbor's Criminal Complaint also implies that, like a robotic "Stepford Wife" w/ an implant in her brain, Diana Morse enabled her husband's harassing behavior and verbally harassed the neighbor's two children herself as well. 

This is the second time in recent months that seemingly "mellow" (on the outside anyway) Councilor Donovan has been involved with the law. In April, Donovan commanded some teenagers in Bucky Boyle park to stop riding go-carts there or face police wrath so one of the boys punched him in the face. 

Although these two rage incidents are troubling and indicative of an emerging "dark side" to Mike Donovan and his wife, they are merely the last straws that should break the camel's back re: Councilor Donovan, in the always humble opinion of Lehigh Valley Somebody. 

We believe these transgressions are much more troubling ...

Morning Call-Affiliated Hate Bloggers Manipulating Allentown Politics

Readers, for the past year or so, embittered, vendetta-driven 2005 Allentown Mayoral Election loser and South Whitehall Township resident and rabid NeoCon, Mike "3%" (and that's how few votes he got in '05) Molovinsky, has become, incredibly, one of councilor Donovan's "advisors" on matters affecting Allentown. 

Even worse, another of Donovan's insider-access "advisors" is Mayor Pawlowski-Bashing Nazareth PA resident and fellow hate blogger, Bernie O'Hare, co-creator of the shamelessly dishonest, sadistically cruel, and Morning Call-Approved "Troll Parade" blog. 

All three "men" are hand-picked members of Valley Blogosphere, The Morning Call's "newspaper" dissent-quashing and political agenda-framing group assembled by Glenn Kranzley.  

Councilor Donovan: we are judged by the company we keep and you are cavorting w/ and soliciting the counsel of corrosive and divisive out-of-town cretins. And in your spare time, it appears you are smashing the glass front doors of neighbors whose behavior you disagree w/ . 

How uncivil for a City Council VP (for now) to behave. 

Monday, June 15, 2009

Vicious Attack Dogs

My family and I enjoy walking in Allentown's many beautiful parks, and we are greatly looking forward to the new and fabulous "destination playground" at Cedar Beach, and the many other improvements that are planned for our parks.

Recently we've experienced a few scary incidents involving vicious dogs of the pit bull variety at the parks that were very frightening for our young son, and for us. Two dogs lunged at us for no apparent reason. We weren't injured but both incidents were too close for comfort. Both dogs that went after us were on leashes, but the leash was either held by a child who couldn't handle the dog, or by someone not really concerned about the length of the leash or the safety of other people visiting the park. We see dogs running leash-free at Trexler Park all the time where it is posted as a violation. So now we've been forced into carrying a nasty-looking stick when we walk in the parks, and not surprisingly, when dog owners see you coming w/ a big stick, oh my, they pay much closer attention to their lovable pooch's proximity to you, try it. 

Now don't get me wrong, we LOVE DOGS, especially Golden and Laborador Retrievers and Greyhounds. We think there should be a dog park in Allentown where dogs and their owners can play in a protected area, so dogless families can feel safe from lunging attack dogs and irresponsible pet owners who can quickly ruin a family's otherwise pleasant stroll in the park. A dog park would also cut back on some of the dog poop in our parks, which, let's be honest, not all dog owners give a crap about scooping up.

Allentown's bountiful park system has plenty of open space for an enclosed dog run, and a destination playground. I remember reading a post at the Allentown Good News blog about possible plans and citizen input regarding a dog park in Allentown, but I haven't heard anything about the progress of those plans. Anybody know? Judging by how many dogs we see in the parks, some people wielding 3-4 pups at a time, I would say there is a definite demand for a dog park. Dog parks help build social capital because they bring people together for a common cause.

But sorry, dog owners, we shouldn't have to trust you when you say your dog doesn't bite. Pit bulls were created and bred in England to kill. They have an in-bred propensity to attack, without warning. Pit bulls have been outlawed in Great Britain and banned from breeding in Ontario since 2005 where owners must muzzle them in public. See this informative website about laws, statistics, and info regarding dangerous and vicious dogs ...

Pit bulls and Rottweilers together commit 2/3 (65%) of the "serial" attacks on humans and more than 3/4 (79%) of the "rampage" attacks. (Source, Animal People)

Sorry Fido, but there are irresponsible dog owners, and we believe there should be stricter laws and regulations requiring the muzzling of certain dangerous breeds of dogs.

Public safety is more important than the rights of pet owners.

Vicious Attack Dogs

My family and I enjoy walking in Allentown's many beautiful parks, and we are greatly looking forward to the new and fabulous "destination playground" at Cedar Beach, and the many other improvements that are planned for our parks.

Recently we've experienced a few scary incidents involving vicious dogs of the pit bull variety at the parks that were very frightening for our young son, and for us. Two dogs lunged at us for no apparent reason. We weren't injured but both incidents were too close for comfort. Both dogs that went after us were on leashes, but the leash was either held by a child who couldn't handle the dog, or by someone not really concerned about the length of the leash or the safety of other people visiting the park. We see dogs running leash-free at Trexler Park all the time where it is posted as a violation. So now we've been forced into carrying a nasty-looking stick when we walk in the parks, and not surprisingly, when dog owners see you coming w/ a big stick, oh my, they pay much closer attention to their lovable pooch's proximity to you, try it. 

Now don't get me wrong, we LOVE DOGS, especially Golden and Laborador Retrievers and Greyhounds. We think there should be a dog park in Allentown where dogs and their owners can play in a protected area, so dogless families can feel safe from lunging attack dogs and irresponsible pet owners who can quickly ruin a family's otherwise pleasant stroll in the park. A dog park would also cut back on some of the dog poop in our parks, which, let's be honest, not all dog owners give a crap about scooping up.

Allentown's bountiful park system has plenty of open space for an enclosed dog run, and a destination playground. I remember reading a post at the Allentown Good News blog about possible plans and citizen input regarding a dog park in Allentown, but I haven't heard anything about the progress of those plans. Anybody know? Judging by how many dogs we see in the parks, some people wielding 3-4 pups at a time, I would say there is a definite demand for a dog park. Dog parks help build social capital because they bring people together for a common cause.

But sorry, dog owners, we shouldn't have to trust you when you say your dog doesn't bite. Pit bulls were created and bred in England to kill. They have an in-bred propensity to attack, without warning. Pit bulls have been outlawed in Great Britain and banned from breeding in Ontario since 2005 where owners must muzzle them in public. See this informative website about laws, statistics, and info regarding dangerous and vicious dogs ...

Pit bulls and Rottweilers together commit 2/3 (65%) of the "serial" attacks on humans and more than 3/4 (79%) of the "rampage" attacks. (Source, Animal People)

Sorry Fido, but there are irresponsible dog owners, and we believe there should be stricter laws and regulations requiring the muzzling of certain dangerous breeds of dogs.

Public safety is more important than the rights of pet owners.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Liberal Media Bias ... Locally?

UpDate: Hear Bill Villa's WAEB Shows at You Tube

Where is this local "liberal media bias" that the minority local NeoCon lunatics (respectfully) are always kvetching about? Let's review, shall we ... 

Local news radio station WAEB-AM runs right wing-friendly shows all day.

WFMZ-TV carries conservative religious programming and provides Neo-Conservative-only commentary by that really spooky and sarcastic know-it-all (and station owner) Dick Dean. 

Then there's our stranglehold local monopoly "newspaper," The In-Mourning Call. It links to Neo-Conservative-only or apolitical blogs in its "Valley Blogosphere" lapdog club and the majority of its regular commenters at The Morning Call's online "Forum" sections are Obama-Hating and Pawlowski-Bashing misogynist-anti-semite-homophobic-latino-hating-bigots who are allowed to spew freely because hate sells-- it "attracts advertisers," according to Bill White.

The Allentown Commentator "blog" (really a "chat room" ick) is a far right-wing extremist gathering storm hosted by Scott Armstrong where we've read rile-'em-up racist comments aimed at our President and Allentown's Latino population. 

One would think there'd be some variety and divergence of thought in a local blogosphere. Not around here. Take a look at the Lehigh Valley blogs currently ranked by BlogNet News as being among the Top 20 Most Influential Political Blogs in Pennsylvania. 

Only the #1 Blog in The Lehigh Valley for 22 of the last 27 weeks (this blog, Lehigh Valley Somebody, #5 statewide) is openly and proudly liberal. 

All the other Lehigh Valley also-ran blogs at BNN are either NeoConservative (#6, #7, #16, #20) or politically neutral ("mellow"), #17. 

We local liberals do have an NPR affiliate community public radio station in WDIY-FM and a PBS TV station but they both lean conservative and Republican. 

In 2008, President Barack Obama won 57% of the vote in Lehigh County. 

In 2005, Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski won with a 59% popular vote mandate over Republican Bill Heydt (38%) and nosey South Whitehall Township buttinsky neighbor Mike Molovinsky (3%).  

Allentown is a mostly deep dark blue city that has not voted for a Republican President since 1988 (and we regret that one). 

Our local NeoCon Biased Media & Blogosphere is not serving the majority of our population who are moderate and liberal Democrats.

Thankfully, this blog is. 

For a "liberal media bias" you won't find anywhere else in the Lehigh Valley, thanks for reading (#1) LVS regularly.   

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Cheering Glenn Kranzley's Firing

Read LVS's 9/27/11 Revisit UpDate: Glenn Kranzley refused Bill Villa a "Welcome Mat" meeting 229 times ... how come?


If you submitted a "Letter to the Editor" of The Morning Call "newspaper" any time in the last 20 years and ended up just spittin' mad seeing your letter either totally ignored, or published, but anally over-edited, politically corrected, and robbed of all your intended meaning, it was now ex-Morning Call VP of Editorial & Opinions Glenn Kranzley who did that to you-- with a smug and satisfied smirk on his face (see photo).

If you approached The Morning Call Editorial Board (where Glenno ruled the roost) and politely requested a "Welcome Mat" meeting that the "newspaper" claims at its website is graciously extended to "anyone who wants to be heard," and you were denied, or ignored, as I've been, 229 times to date, it was Glenn Kranzley who did that to you-- with a smug and satisfied smirk on his face.

If stumble bum Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin bungled your perpetrator's prosecution or intentionally screwed you out of justice, while The Morning Call "newspaper" purposefully looked the other way as you begged them in vain for help, it was Glenn Kranzley who did that to you-- with a smug and satisfied smirk on his face.

For 20 years, Glenn Kranzley was the Editorial & Opinions gatekeeper and political agenda framer and influencer at Allentown's stranglehold monopoly "newspaper." It was a powerful position that lent itself to arrogance, hubris, cronyism, favoritism, collusion, and corruption-- every bit as much as that of a crooked and incompetent district attorney who retains his "elected" (wink wink) office by conveniently running unopposed every four years-- thanks in large part to Glenn Kranzley.

When our local blogosphere was indignantly dissenting against The Morning Call's racist and hate-filled "Forum" comment sections at its website, Glenn Kranzley created "Valley Blogosphere at The Morning Call."

Diabolically, membership immediately converted some outspoken Morning Call critics and local blogger "Watch Dogs" (and Villas justice mission supporters) into "celebrity" aquiver lapdogs and sabotaging attack dogs.
Almost all local blogosphere dissent against The Morning Call was effectively quashed [see LVS right sidebar blurb on Glenn Kranzley for more detail].

And anyone who dared to keep dissenting against the "newspaper" got muzzled by "Valley Blogosphere" bloggers ... temporarily.

On Friday June 5, The Tribune Company finally wiped that satisfied smug smirk off of Glenn Kranzley's kisser by firing his ass.

Here at Lehigh Valley Somebody, we're grinning from ear to ear.

And cheering.

And still dissenting against the "newspaper."

Good riddance, Glenno.

One down. One to go.

Cheering Glenn Kranzley's Firing

Read LVS's 9/27/11 Revisit UpDate: Glenn Kranzley refused Bill Villa a "Welcome Mat" meeting 229 times ... how come?


If you submitted a "Letter to the Editor" of The Morning Call "newspaper" any time in the last 20 years and ended up just spittin' mad seeing your letter either totally ignored, or published, but anally over-edited, politically corrected, and robbed of all your intended meaning, it was now ex-Morning Call VP of Editorial & Opinions Glenn Kranzley who did that to you-- with a smug and satisfied smirk on his face (see photo).

If you approached The Morning Call Editorial Board (where Glenno ruled the roost) and politely requested a "Welcome Mat" meeting that the "newspaper" claims at its website is graciously extended to "anyone who wants to be heard," and you were denied, or ignored, as I've been, 229 times to date, it was Glenn Kranzley who did that to you-- with a smug and satisfied smirk on his face.

If stumble bum Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin bungled your perpetrator's prosecution or intentionally screwed you out of justice, while The Morning Call "newspaper" purposefully looked the other way as you begged them in vain for help, it was Glenn Kranzley who did that to you-- with a smug and satisfied smirk on his face.

For 20 years, Glenn Kranzley was the Editorial & Opinions gatekeeper and political agenda framer and influencer at Allentown's stranglehold monopoly "newspaper." It was a powerful position that lent itself to arrogance, hubris, cronyism, favoritism, collusion, and corruption-- every bit as much as that of a crooked and incompetent district attorney who retains his "elected" (wink wink) office by conveniently running unopposed every four years-- thanks in large part to Glenn Kranzley.

When our local blogosphere was indignantly dissenting against The Morning Call's racist and hate-filled "Forum" comment sections at its website, Glenn Kranzley created "Valley Blogosphere at The Morning Call."

Diabolically, membership immediately converted some outspoken Morning Call critics and local blogger "Watch Dogs" (and Villas justice mission supporters) into "celebrity" aquiver lapdogs and sabotaging attack dogs.
Almost all local blogosphere dissent against The Morning Call was effectively quashed [see LVS right sidebar blurb on Glenn Kranzley for more detail].

And anyone who dared to keep dissenting against the "newspaper" got muzzled by "Valley Blogosphere" bloggers ... temporarily.

On Friday June 5, The Tribune Company finally wiped that satisfied smug smirk off of Glenn Kranzley's kisser by firing his ass.

Here at Lehigh Valley Somebody, we're grinning from ear to ear.

And cheering.

And still dissenting against the "newspaper."

Good riddance, Glenno.

One down. One to go.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Recess Left Behind

Recently there was an article in "the newspaper" regarding a decision made by a BASD principal to allegedly "ban" recess from all students because "lower income" students scored low on PSSA tests. The principal required all students to stay in and read, instead of going outside for recess after lunch. The article is very misleading, and not well researched.,0,1815465.story

First of all, the classroom teacher can take the kids out for recess when he/she wants. And most teachers realize that recess is important to a child's physical, social and intellectual development. Secondly, recess helps improve a child's behavior in the classroom.

According to a recent New York Times article: A study published this month in the journal Pediatrics studied the links between recess and classroom behavior among about 11,000 children age 8 and 9. Those who had more than 15 minutes of recess a day showed better behavior in class than those who had little or none.

The NY Times article goes on to say: And many children are not getting that break. In the Pediatrics study, 30 percent were found to have little or no daily recess. Another report, from a children’s advocacy group, found that 40 percent of schools surveyed had cut back at least one daily recess period. I am surprised that the percentage of students not getting recess is so high. If you suspect that your child is not getting recess, say something. My son's school takes away recess as punishment for a child's misbehavior. This policy is wrong and actually increases bad behavior in active children.

In my experience as a teacher, I have never met an elementary teacher who did not take students outside. In fact, when the weather was nice, some teachers would teach lessons outside. I remember taking my students out for drawing lessons. And if they behaved, I even let them kick a ball around for a while. But that was 8 years ago. Things are different now due to curriculum changes and new requirements to meet standards set by the federal No Child Left Behind Act(NCLB). Everything is geared around testing. (Uggggh)

Children should be able to go outside twice a day during the school day because research shows that more recess helps improve brain functioning and concentration, which improves test scores. Unstructured play and socialization are so important to a child's development. In today's "teaching to the test" environment (thanks to NCLB) the value of recess has been left behind. And reading should never be used as a punishment if we want kids to enjoy reading and become life long readers.

I encourage parents to speak out for more recess, because recess is not just fun and games, it's as essential as reading and math.

Recess Left Behind

Recently there was an article in "the newspaper" regarding a decision made by a BASD principal to allegedly "ban" recess from all students because "lower income" students scored low on PSSA tests. The principal required all students to stay in and read, instead of going outside for recess after lunch. The article is very misleading, and not well researched.,0,1815465.story

First of all, the classroom teacher can take the kids out for recess when he/she wants. And most teachers realize that recess is important to a child's physical, social and intellectual development. Secondly, recess helps improve a child's behavior in the classroom.

According to a recent New York Times article: A study published this month in the journal Pediatrics studied the links between recess and classroom behavior among about 11,000 children age 8 and 9. Those who had more than 15 minutes of recess a day showed better behavior in class than those who had little or none.

The NY Times article goes on to say: And many children are not getting that break. In the Pediatrics study, 30 percent were found to have little or no daily recess. Another report, from a children’s advocacy group, found that 40 percent of schools surveyed had cut back at least one daily recess period. I am surprised that the percentage of students not getting recess is so high. If you suspect that your child is not getting recess, say something. My son's school takes away recess as punishment for a child's misbehavior. This policy is wrong and actually increases bad behavior in active children.

In my experience as a teacher, I have never met an elementary teacher who did not take students outside. In fact, when the weather was nice, some teachers would teach lessons outside. I remember taking my students out for drawing lessons. And if they behaved, I even let them kick a ball around for a while. But that was 8 years ago. Things are different now due to curriculum changes and new requirements to meet standards set by the federal No Child Left Behind Act(NCLB). Everything is geared around testing. (Uggggh)

Children should be able to go outside twice a day during the school day because research shows that more recess helps improve brain functioning and concentration, which improves test scores. Unstructured play and socialization are so important to a child's development. In today's "teaching to the test" environment (thanks to NCLB) the value of recess has been left behind. And reading should never be used as a punishment if we want kids to enjoy reading and become life long readers.

I encourage parents to speak out for more recess, because recess is not just fun and games, it's as essential as reading and math.

Monday, June 1, 2009

White Male Rage Over Sotomayor

Here's the entire comment, in context, that Sonia Sotomayor made during a lecture at UC Berkeley that has White Male NeoCon Right Wingnuts rolling around on the floor and foaming at the mouth over:

Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, a possibility I abhor less or discount less than my colleague Judge Cedarbaum, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging. Justice O'Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases. I am not so sure Justice O'Connor is the author of that line since Professor Resnik attributes that line to Supreme Court Justice Coyle. I am also not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, as Professor Martha Minnow has noted, there can never be a universal definition of wise. Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life

Let us not forget that wise men like Oliver Wendell Holmes and Justice Cardozo voted on cases which upheld both sex and race discrimination in our society. Until 1972, no Supreme Court case ever upheld the claim of a woman in a gender discrimination case. I, like Professor Carter, believe that we should not be so myopic as to believe that others of different experiences or backgrounds are incapable of understanding the values and needs of people from a different group. Many are so capable. As Judge Cedarbaum pointed out to me, nine white men on the Supreme Court in the past have done so on many occasions and on many issues including Brown. -Sonia Sotomayor

When read in context, it is clear that Sotomayor's comment is about the reality that different people have different life experiences. Diversity of opinion is good for the court. A judge's background can make a difference. In fact, her comment is the opposite of racism. She is saying that she hopes a Latina would make wise decisions, just like the previous white males did.

Drug addicted gas bag Rush Limbaugh has labeled her a "reverse racist." He says "He(Obama) just wants one of his own on the court to do his dirty work, from the highest court in the land, and she fits the bill." "Obama is the greatest example of a reverse racist, and now he has appointed one."
Newt Gingrich, Pat Buchanan, Glenn Beck, Michael Steele, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, have all expressed their outrage over the Sotomayor comment. And at this blog in my previous post, I received numerous vile comments, some that we published, most that we rejected, from foaming at the mouth hysterical anonymous commenters gone bonkers. G. Gordon Liddy has said "let's hope the key conferences aren't when she is menstruating or something, or just before she is going to menstruate." Ex Congressman Tom Tancredo has referred to Sotomayor as the ring leader of the Latino's version of the KKK.

FACT: All but four of the 110 Supreme Court justices in our nation’s history have been white men.

Twist and shout all you want, connected white guys, your privileged days of exclusive and unchallenged power are over.

White Male Rage Over Sotomayor

Here's the entire comment, in context, that Sonia Sotomayor made during a lecture at UC Berkeley that has White Male NeoCon Right Wingnuts rolling around on the floor and foaming at the mouth over:

Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, a possibility I abhor less or discount less than my colleague Judge Cedarbaum, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging. Justice O'Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases. I am not so sure Justice O'Connor is the author of that line since Professor Resnik attributes that line to Supreme Court Justice Coyle. I am also not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, as Professor Martha Minnow has noted, there can never be a universal definition of wise. Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life

Let us not forget that wise men like Oliver Wendell Holmes and Justice Cardozo voted on cases which upheld both sex and race discrimination in our society. Until 1972, no Supreme Court case ever upheld the claim of a woman in a gender discrimination case. I, like Professor Carter, believe that we should not be so myopic as to believe that others of different experiences or backgrounds are incapable of understanding the values and needs of people from a different group. Many are so capable. As Judge Cedarbaum pointed out to me, nine white men on the Supreme Court in the past have done so on many occasions and on many issues including Brown. -Sonia Sotomayor

When read in context, it is clear that Sotomayor's comment is about the reality that different people have different life experiences. Diversity of opinion is good for the court. A judge's background can make a difference. In fact, her comment is the opposite of racism. She is saying that she hopes a Latina would make wise decisions, just like the previous white males did.

Drug addicted gas bag Rush Limbaugh has labeled her a "reverse racist." He says "He(Obama) just wants one of his own on the court to do his dirty work, from the highest court in the land, and she fits the bill." "Obama is the greatest example of a reverse racist, and now he has appointed one."
Newt Gingrich, Pat Buchanan, Glenn Beck, Michael Steele, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, have all expressed their outrage over the Sotomayor comment. And at this blog in my previous post, I received numerous vile comments, some that we published, most that we rejected, from foaming at the mouth hysterical anonymous commenters gone bonkers. G. Gordon Liddy has said "let's hope the key conferences aren't when she is menstruating or something, or just before she is going to menstruate." Ex Congressman Tom Tancredo has referred to Sotomayor as the ring leader of the Latino's version of the KKK.

FACT: All but four of the 110 Supreme Court justices in our nation’s history have been white men.

Twist and shout all you want, connected white guys, your privileged days of exclusive and unchallenged power are over.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thoughts on Equality

Recently, the California Supreme Court upheld Proposition 8's ban on same sex marriage. Some people believe that since the majority of California citizens voted for Prop 8, then that makes it right. I don't see it that way, because the constitution protects an individual's basic rights under the equal protection and due process clauses, and that cannot be taken away by a vote.
If the Civil Rights Act of 1965 had been "put to a vote," instead of put into law, it too would have been voted down like Prop 8. The majority isn't always right and they shouldn't always rule.

Ted Olson, a conservative, and former Solicitor General for the Bush administration has filed a suit in California federal court seeking to overturn Prop 8. Read about it here:

How ironic that Prop 8's affirmation occurred on the same day President Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. His decision is viewed as progressive. I'm glad he chose a woman, and someone who has an inspiring life story, growing up in a housing project in the Bronx, going on to Princeton University (graduating 2nd in her class) and then on to Yale Law School. Sotomayor graduated Summa Cum Lauda, and has more experience (almost 17 years) than any U.S. Supreme Court Justice nominated in the past 75 years. And yet many Republicans are kvetching (what else is new?) and questioning her intelligence and qualifications. She has said that as a Latina she brings a different perspective to the court. Some R's are calling her a racist over that remark. Glenn Beck refers to her as "that Hispanic chick lady" but that's not racist. I don't recall anyone questioning Samuel Alito's intelligence because he's a white male. I think the people calling her racist and questioning her intelligence are the racists. And the dimwits. Here's a great source for information about the Supreme Court

So we have our first African-American President and our first Latina heading to the U.S. Supreme Court and this moves us light years towards equality. Finally. But we are taking a step backward regarding gay rights and individual rights as humans (Prop 8, "Don't Ask Don't Tell" in our military). Separate is not equal. And the racist reaction from the Right to Sotomayor's nomination tells me that women and Hispanics are still not viewed as equal to the white males who are accustomed to running America.

Thoughts on Equality

Recently, the California Supreme Court upheld Proposition 8's ban on same sex marriage. Some people believe that since the majority of California citizens voted for Prop 8, then that makes it right. I don't see it that way, because the constitution protects an individual's basic rights under the equal protection and due process clauses, and that cannot be taken away by a vote.
If the Civil Rights Act of 1965 had been "put to a vote," instead of put into law, it too would have been voted down like Prop 8. The majority isn't always right and they shouldn't always rule.

Ted Olson, a conservative, and former Solicitor General for the Bush administration has filed a suit in California federal court seeking to overturn Prop 8. Read about it here:

How ironic that Prop 8's affirmation occurred on the same day President Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. His decision is viewed as progressive. I'm glad he chose a woman, and someone who has an inspiring life story, growing up in a housing project in the Bronx, going on to Princeton University (graduating 2nd in her class) and then on to Yale Law School. Sotomayor graduated Summa Cum Lauda, and has more experience (almost 17 years) than any U.S. Supreme Court Justice nominated in the past 75 years. And yet many Republicans are kvetching (what else is new?) and questioning her intelligence and qualifications. She has said that as a Latina she brings a different perspective to the court. Some R's are calling her a racist over that remark. Glenn Beck refers to her as "that Hispanic chick lady" but that's not racist. I don't recall anyone questioning Samuel Alito's intelligence because he's a white male. I think the people calling her racist and questioning her intelligence are the racists. And the dimwits. Here's a great source for information about the Supreme Court

So we have our first African-American President and our first Latina heading to the U.S. Supreme Court and this moves us light years towards equality. Finally. But we are taking a step backward regarding gay rights and individual rights as humans (Prop 8, "Don't Ask Don't Tell" in our military). Separate is not equal. And the racist reaction from the Right to Sotomayor's nomination tells me that women and Hispanics are still not viewed as equal to the white males who are accustomed to running America.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Great Time at Mayfair

Allentown's Mayfair Festival of the Arts seemed to us to be another big success this year. We had a great time. Gianni had fun painting the huge and colorful mural created by our good friend and fellow Chen artist, Ro Geseck. And Bill and I had fun sharing some giggles w/ Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski over how everything in Allentown has been "falling apart" (wink wink) since he was elected (according to the "fair & balanced" local NeoCon blahgs, that is).

Even in tight economic times, people still love to attend outdoor family festivals. The weather on Monday was perfect for watching local legends The Daddy Licks Band who drew a large and loyal and loud (and dancing!) crowd to the Cabaret Main Stage to close out the festival as the headliners. Bill (Mr. Dottie) was The Daddy Licks Band's promo-driver manager back in the 1980s. In July 2006, The Villas organized (and opened for) the Daddy Licks Band's "Scott Hott Benefit/Reunion Show" at The Sterling Hotel in Downtown Allentown and the "DLB" guys had so much fun playing together again (after a nearly 15 year hiatus) they decided to reunite permanently! "Look for a full-length CD of all new Daddy Licks songs later this year," says DLB manager Bob Mania (wink wink) a.k.a. Mr. Dottie.

Mayfair is such a great place to reconnect with old (and current) friends, and fellow musicians, and if we listed everyone who gave us bear hugs and well-wishes yesterday I know we'd forget some, so thank you, to everyone who gave us all that much-appreciated warmth, and w/ a very special thanks to Judge Edward Reibman.

We know Mayfair has had its problems in the past, but we hope the festival can continue to be a success, even though it now has competition from The Iron Pigs, and the Sands Casino. Charging a small entrance fee has helped the festival get through financial difficulties. We don't mind paying $4 for the entire festival. That's less than a dollar a day. And what we like best about Mayfair is that it showcases local talent which we have in abundance in Allentown and the Lehigh Valley. So Rock On, Mayfair!

Photos: Gianni Villa paints mural, The Daddy Licks Band and Dancers.

A Great Time at Mayfair

Allentown's Mayfair Festival of the Arts seemed to us to be another big success this year. We had a great time. Gianni had fun painting the huge and colorful mural created by our good friend and fellow Chen artist, Ro Geseck. And Bill and I had fun sharing some giggles w/ Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski over how everything in Allentown has been "falling apart" (wink wink) since he was elected (according to the "fair & balanced" local NeoCon blahgs, that is).

Even in tight economic times, people still love to attend outdoor family festivals. The weather on Monday was perfect for watching local legends The Daddy Licks Band who drew a large and loyal and loud (and dancing!) crowd to the Cabaret Main Stage to close out the festival as the headliners. Bill (Mr. Dottie) was The Daddy Licks Band's promo-driver manager back in the 1980s. In July 2006, The Villas organized (and opened for) the Daddy Licks Band's "Scott Hott Benefit/Reunion Show" at The Sterling Hotel in Downtown Allentown and the "DLB" guys had so much fun playing together again (after a nearly 15 year hiatus) they decided to reunite permanently! "Look for a full-length CD of all new Daddy Licks songs later this year," says DLB manager Bob Mania (wink wink) a.k.a. Mr. Dottie.

Mayfair is such a great place to reconnect with old (and current) friends, and fellow musicians, and if we listed everyone who gave us bear hugs and well-wishes yesterday I know we'd forget some, so thank you, to everyone who gave us all that much-appreciated warmth, and w/ a very special thanks to Judge Edward Reibman.

We know Mayfair has had its problems in the past, but we hope the festival can continue to be a success, even though it now has competition from The Iron Pigs, and the Sands Casino. Charging a small entrance fee has helped the festival get through financial difficulties. We don't mind paying $4 for the entire festival. That's less than a dollar a day. And what we like best about Mayfair is that it showcases local talent which we have in abundance in Allentown and the Lehigh Valley. So Rock On, Mayfair!

Photos: Gianni Villa paints mural, The Daddy Licks Band and Dancers.