Friday, February 12, 2010

Upcoming Lehigh County DA Race

UpDate: Somebody other than LVS has finally stepped up to challenge DA Jim Martin: Meet Ed Koren. Visit: Ed Koren website.

Crooked and incompetent Lehigh County DA Jim Martin has not faced a political challenger at the polls since 1999.

Martin, a Republican, ran unopposed in 2003, and again in 2007.

It's high time for a change this year on election day in November 2011.

Here's why ...


Game On.

Essential Reading > WHY WE FIGHT

Original Post

Angie and I had a terrific breakfast meeting at West Side Diner a few months back w/ RICK DAUGHERTY, Chair, Lehigh County Democratic Party.

Rick was "all ears" about the local Dems putting up a candidate to run against crooked and incompetent Lehigh County District Attorney
Jim Martin (pictured).

Rick said it was good that I was bringing it up this early (next election is 2011), since the Dems would likely need a good head of steam to beat Martin and his connections.

But since that seemingly productive breakfast meeting, Rick Daugherty has thrice (so far) ignored this follow-up email from me, last sent Tuesday and cc'd to all the Lehigh County Democratic Party Officers: Linda Minger, Helen Sheerens, Courtney Robinson, and Celeste Dee.

On Feb 9, 2010, at 10:21:52 AM, Bill Villa wrote (for a 3rd time) ...

Hi Rick, I'd like to address your committee, some time soon. I'd like to make the case that it's the committee's civic duty (and its political party duty) to put a candidate up against typically unopposed Lehigh County DA Jim Martin next election. I have a half dozen fact-laden exposé examples of Martin's crony-crookedness and incompetence that somehow never made it into The Morning Call. There's so much political ammunition to use against Martin ...

When can this meeting be arranged?

Keep me posted, thanks Rick.

Best Regards,

Bill Villa

Upcoming Lehigh County DA Race

UpDate: Somebody other than LVS has finally stepped up to challenge DA Jim Martin: Meet Ed Koren. Visit: Ed Koren website.

Crooked and incompetent Lehigh County DA Jim Martin has not faced a political challenger at the polls since 1999.

Martin, a Republican, ran unopposed in 2003, and again in 2007.

It's high time for a change this year on election day in November 2011.

Here's why ...


Game On.

Essential Reading > WHY WE FIGHT

Original Post

Angie and I had a terrific breakfast meeting at West Side Diner a few months back w/ RICK DAUGHERTY, Chair, Lehigh County Democratic Party.

Rick was "all ears" about the local Dems putting up a candidate to run against crooked and incompetent Lehigh County District Attorney
Jim Martin (pictured).

Rick said it was good that I was bringing it up this early (next election is 2011), since the Dems would likely need a good head of steam to beat Martin and his connections.

But since that seemingly productive breakfast meeting, Rick Daugherty has thrice (so far) ignored this follow-up email from me, last sent Tuesday and cc'd to all the Lehigh County Democratic Party Officers: Linda Minger, Helen Sheerens, Courtney Robinson, and Celeste Dee.

On Feb 9, 2010, at 10:21:52 AM, Bill Villa wrote (for a 3rd time) ...

Hi Rick, I'd like to address your committee, some time soon. I'd like to make the case that it's the committee's civic duty (and its political party duty) to put a candidate up against typically unopposed Lehigh County DA Jim Martin next election. I have a half dozen fact-laden exposé examples of Martin's crony-crookedness and incompetence that somehow never made it into The Morning Call. There's so much political ammunition to use against Martin ...

When can this meeting be arranged?

Keep me posted, thanks Rick.

Best Regards,

Bill Villa

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

LVS's Best Comment Ever

Tue Feb 09, 09:47:00 AM 2010


I see it like this. It's one thing to be a gad fly - a closed mouth doesn't get fed. You being a constant voice in the ears of those who make the rules is a necessity and right afforded to us as AMERICANS. It's not only our right to bark, it's our obligation. However, it is something completely and fundamentally different to be a tormentor and exacerbator of a bad situation. Making comments (like the basement one) and snickering at the mention of a dead girl's name (in PUBLIC court no less) is done for the sole purpose of getting under some one's skin. It's done for one reason and one reason alone - to give you and your family ONE MORE thing to think about when you leave the house or when you go to bed at night. It's not done to meet any good ends except the torment of a dead girl's father. And to further complicate things by "circling the wagons" and involving political connections, and making a public policy issue of this then moves this from the personal level arena (them vs. you) to the public level arena (them vs. us - and by US, I mean ALL OF US WHO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THIS TOWN, THIS COUNTY, THIS STATE and THIS COUNTRY). Don't get me wrong, I'm not crusading here, it's not my place. But I won't stand by and allow the tables to stay turned as lopsided as they are because of something like political corruption and cronyism.

My first priority (outside of my family) is standing up to bullshit mainstream cultural and political machines that are ruining this country and its citizens ability to think for themselves, and in my 27 years living here I've seen the worst of it (you're a Pennsylvania and Lehigh County resident - you no doubt know what i mean). It's not a liberal thing, it's not a democratic thing, it's not a christian thing or a generational thing - it's a Righteous thing - we need people to speak up and make grass roots change or else there is only one thing that can happen - WE WILL ALL get taken away in the flood. Stand up for nothing and you will fall for anything...

9/11 happened and we gave up our rights because of the patriot act, but for a long time before that, the powers that be continually and methodically stripped down our ability to come together and make change as the self-determiners of our own lives. That's why Obama was such a breath of fresh air, because he convinced me (at least) that a group of people with common ideas and a means to meet an ends could come together and for one moment see eye to eye, despite the differences they all had. Those are big shoes to fill but it showed all of us that it's capable of happening, and if he can do it on a national level, why the hell can't we do it locally?

Jim Martin's face is now front in center as the object of this change. Now we need to find someone who's got the balls, the know-how and the gumption to take on City Hall. Any ideas???

My apologies for the ramblings. I guess I have a lot to say. Coffee together soon sounds great, as discussed back channel. Let me know...

LVS's Best Comment Ever

Tue Feb 09, 09:47:00 AM 2010


I see it like this. It's one thing to be a gad fly - a closed mouth doesn't get fed. You being a constant voice in the ears of those who make the rules is a necessity and right afforded to us as AMERICANS. It's not only our right to bark, it's our obligation. However, it is something completely and fundamentally different to be a tormentor and exacerbator of a bad situation. Making comments (like the basement one) and snickering at the mention of a dead girl's name (in PUBLIC court no less) is done for the sole purpose of getting under some one's skin. It's done for one reason and one reason alone - to give you and your family ONE MORE thing to think about when you leave the house or when you go to bed at night. It's not done to meet any good ends except the torment of a dead girl's father. And to further complicate things by "circling the wagons" and involving political connections, and making a public policy issue of this then moves this from the personal level arena (them vs. you) to the public level arena (them vs. us - and by US, I mean ALL OF US WHO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THIS TOWN, THIS COUNTY, THIS STATE and THIS COUNTRY). Don't get me wrong, I'm not crusading here, it's not my place. But I won't stand by and allow the tables to stay turned as lopsided as they are because of something like political corruption and cronyism.

My first priority (outside of my family) is standing up to bullshit mainstream cultural and political machines that are ruining this country and its citizens ability to think for themselves, and in my 27 years living here I've seen the worst of it (you're a Pennsylvania and Lehigh County resident - you no doubt know what i mean). It's not a liberal thing, it's not a democratic thing, it's not a christian thing or a generational thing - it's a Righteous thing - we need people to speak up and make grass roots change or else there is only one thing that can happen - WE WILL ALL get taken away in the flood. Stand up for nothing and you will fall for anything...

9/11 happened and we gave up our rights because of the patriot act, but for a long time before that, the powers that be continually and methodically stripped down our ability to come together and make change as the self-determiners of our own lives. That's why Obama was such a breath of fresh air, because he convinced me (at least) that a group of people with common ideas and a means to meet an ends could come together and for one moment see eye to eye, despite the differences they all had. Those are big shoes to fill but it showed all of us that it's capable of happening, and if he can do it on a national level, why the hell can't we do it locally?

Jim Martin's face is now front in center as the object of this change. Now we need to find someone who's got the balls, the know-how and the gumption to take on City Hall. Any ideas???

My apologies for the ramblings. I guess I have a lot to say. Coffee together soon sounds great, as discussed back channel. Let me know...

Monday, February 8, 2010

O'Hare "Tactics" to Research

FYI, this morning my attorney checked w/ the Lehigh County Sheriff's Office to see if they had served Bernie O'Hare w/ our lawsuit yet.

The clerk there told him that the order to serve O'Hare w/ our lawsuit had been rescinded [canceled] at the request of a woman who left a phone message on the Sheriff's Office answering machine last week. The woman claimed she was from my attorney's office.

Pretty slick tactic, eh?

Now ask yourself: would the average Joe or Jane know that you could (temporarily) derail an order to have someone served w/ a lawsuit w/ a simple deceitful phone message? Highly doubtful.

Now ask yourself this: who do we know around here who has a loyal fan base of evil sadist shit-lovers and who knows all the ins & outs of county government, its players, policies, procedures? Anybody come to mind?

And is anyone (Dr. Pooley?) starting to "get the message," re: what we're dealing w/ here?

Hello ... anybody there?

O'Hare "Tactics" to Research

FYI, this morning my attorney checked w/ the Lehigh County Sheriff's Office to see if they had served Bernie O'Hare w/ our lawsuit yet.

The clerk there told him that the order to serve O'Hare w/ our lawsuit had been rescinded [canceled] at the request of a woman who left a phone message on the Sheriff's Office answering machine last week. The woman claimed she was from my attorney's office.

Pretty slick tactic, eh?

Now ask yourself: would the average Joe or Jane know that you could (temporarily) derail an order to have someone served w/ a lawsuit w/ a simple deceitful phone message? Highly doubtful.

Now ask yourself this: who do we know around here who has a loyal fan base of evil sadist shit-lovers and who knows all the ins & outs of county government, its players, policies, procedures? Anybody come to mind?

And is anyone (Dr. Pooley?) starting to "get the message," re: what we're dealing w/ here?

Hello ... anybody there?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Doing Research on Bernie O'Hare

Recently, Muhlenberg College Professor Jefferson Pooley, PhD "promised" in a comment at this blog (for the 2nd time in a year) that he would "research" the ugly blog war that's been raging since August 2008 between incorrigible (yet lovable) political bloggers Angie and me and evil sadist hate blogger Bernie O'Hare (pictured) and his cyber-stalker team of duped dunces.

"Pooley's Pledge" to discover "what's all this about?" is very much a face-saving maneuver for Dr. Pooley. It's also a pledge we highly doubt he'll follow-through on (for a second time).

"Pooley's Pledge II" was made only after astute commenters at LVS took Dr. Pooley to task for his highly unscholarly and likely libelous action of voicing a very strong and public opinion on a blog war-related issue at his blog, w/ out knowing shit from shinola (or so he claims) about the "backstory" on it-- by his own admission. Making matters worse (and highly illiberal), Dr. Pooley disabled comments on his uninformed post which effectively muzzled all dissent. Comments have since been enabled, but we likely won't have anything to say over there, opting instead to have our comprehensive say here and here.

Curiously, who's to blame for this blog war remains a "toss up" for Dr. Pooley.

Are the bad guys the grief-stricken Villa family who lost a daughter to a drunk driver and had to aggressively (and ingeniously) outmaneuver DA Jim Martin and The Morning Call to get justice? Or are the bad guys the folks (endorsed by The Morning Call, BTW) who've put up a blog dedicated to misinforming and deceiving the public, and taunting and provoking a grieving family by defiling their deceased daughter and threatening to sabotage her wrongful death litigation?

PhD Pooley's puzzled; he can't decide.

For anyone who's "doing research," try to look beyond the name-calling and focus on the RELEVANT, i.e., the 3 counts in our civil lawsuit vs. O'Hare ...

1. Malicious Prosecution
2. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
3. Libel

We didn't craft these accusations out of thin air.

It's all "out there" in our local blogosphere, and much (not all) of it is condensed, for your convenience, at our blog's right sidebar.

Something to also keep in mind ...

Our Winning Track Record in court involves presenting SUBSTANTIVE prosecutions and defenses to judges and juries.

* We were instrumental in getting Sheena's killer nearly 2x the typical PA state prison sentence for DUI homicide (and nearly 1,000x the typical DA Jim Martin wrist slap for DUI homicide drinking buddies)

* We were awarded $3.1 Million in our lawsuit against Sheena's killer and O'Malley's Bar

* We prevailed vs Dave Najarian (yawn)

* We prevailed (breezily) vs O'Hare

If any of the judges or juries in any of our victorious criminal and civil cases thought we were "nutz" ... they did not express that opinion to us.

We've been very pleased w/ their opinions, verdicts, appeal rejections, appeal reversals, and damages awards, and we expect to continue being pleased by the local courts.

Honestly, we don't care who's "doing research," as the only opinions that really matter here are mine, Angie's, the Judge's, and the Jury's.

We are pleased our sharp lawyer is doing subpoena research.

Just sayin'.

Doing Research on Bernie O'Hare

Recently, Muhlenberg College Professor Jefferson Pooley, PhD "promised" in a comment at this blog (for the 2nd time in a year) that he would "research" the ugly blog war that's been raging since August 2008 between incorrigible (yet lovable) political bloggers Angie and me and evil sadist hate blogger Bernie O'Hare (pictured) and his cyber-stalker team of duped dunces.

"Pooley's Pledge" to discover "what's all this about?" is very much a face-saving maneuver for Dr. Pooley. It's also a pledge we highly doubt he'll follow-through on (for a second time).

"Pooley's Pledge II" was made only after astute commenters at LVS took Dr. Pooley to task for his highly unscholarly and likely libelous action of voicing a very strong and public opinion on a blog war-related issue at his blog, w/ out knowing shit from shinola (or so he claims) about the "backstory" on it-- by his own admission. Making matters worse (and highly illiberal), Dr. Pooley disabled comments on his uninformed post which effectively muzzled all dissent. Comments have since been enabled, but we likely won't have anything to say over there, opting instead to have our comprehensive say here and here.

Curiously, who's to blame for this blog war remains a "toss up" for Dr. Pooley.

Are the bad guys the grief-stricken Villa family who lost a daughter to a drunk driver and had to aggressively (and ingeniously) outmaneuver DA Jim Martin and The Morning Call to get justice? Or are the bad guys the folks (endorsed by The Morning Call, BTW) who've put up a blog dedicated to misinforming and deceiving the public, and taunting and provoking a grieving family by defiling their deceased daughter and threatening to sabotage her wrongful death litigation?

PhD Pooley's puzzled; he can't decide.

For anyone who's "doing research," try to look beyond the name-calling and focus on the RELEVANT, i.e., the 3 counts in our civil lawsuit vs. O'Hare ...

1. Malicious Prosecution
2. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
3. Libel

We didn't craft these accusations out of thin air.

It's all "out there" in our local blogosphere, and much (not all) of it is condensed, for your convenience, at our blog's right sidebar.

Something to also keep in mind ...

Our Winning Track Record in court involves presenting SUBSTANTIVE prosecutions and defenses to judges and juries.

* We were instrumental in getting Sheena's killer nearly 2x the typical PA state prison sentence for DUI homicide (and nearly 1,000x the typical DA Jim Martin wrist slap for DUI homicide drinking buddies)

* We were awarded $3.1 Million in our lawsuit against Sheena's killer and O'Malley's Bar

* We prevailed vs Dave Najarian (yawn)

* We prevailed (breezily) vs O'Hare

If any of the judges or juries in any of our victorious criminal and civil cases thought we were "nutz" ... they did not express that opinion to us.

We've been very pleased w/ their opinions, verdicts, appeal rejections, appeal reversals, and damages awards, and we expect to continue being pleased by the local courts.

Honestly, we don't care who's "doing research," as the only opinions that really matter here are mine, Angie's, the Judge's, and the Jury's.

We are pleased our sharp lawyer is doing subpoena research.

Just sayin'.