Saturday, September 12, 2009


* Our talented, beautiful, and kind daughter Sheena was killed, suddenly and violently, by a malice-sodden and remorseless drunk driver on her 25th birthday in March, 2006. Apparently no big deal to some, but for us this life-shattering event continues to darken our lives with an aching sadness, and until you experience it yourself, you have no clue how surrealistically awful it is to lose a child.

* A demonstrably crooked, incompetent, and not very bright DA, Jim Martin, "tipped his hand" and gave us good reasons to believe he’d be going easy on Sheena’s killer— and our instincts proved to be dead-on target, as Mr. Martin’s devious attempts to fix Sheena’s case in favor of her killer would reveal.

* We had to work way too hard to get a measure of “justice” in Lehigh County. Basically, we had to outmaneuver DA Jim Martin and The Morning Call "newspaper" and we resent this greatly. We should have been able to use that time to grieve the loss of our daughter, instead of having to monitor an arrogant and unopposed DA and deter him from fixing Sheena’s case in favor of her killer, and his family.

* We did okay versus DA Jim Martin, all things considered. Sheena’s killer was sentenced to serve 5 1/2 to 12 years in state prison, nearly double the PA state mandatory minimum sentence of 3 years. But it took hundreds of letters to DA Jim Martin and Judge Robert Steinberg (in election years for both of them) to flood-light-up DA Martin’s shamelessly lackluster "prosecution" of Sheena’s killer so brightly that it tied Jim Martin’s hands, and prevented a plea deal fix. Thank you again to the hundreds of you who wrote letters. Without them, we are positive Sheena’s killer would have gotten the "weekend jail" he was telling friends he’d be getting in the days immediately following Sheena’s death. He should have been charged w/ third degree murder.

* All through our nightmarish ordeal, The Morning Call "newspaper" protected DA Jim Martin at every turn and refused to report on an array of jaw-dropping irregularities in DA Martin’s "handling" of Sheena’s case.

* In September 2007, our civic-minded vigilance caught DA Jim Martin successfully fixing a DUI homicide case, the night before trial, in favor of the criminal defendant and his family. DA Martin succeeded by using tactics similar to those he had tried to use on us, unsuccessfully.

* We believe The Morning Call “newspaper” helped DA Martin fix this September 2007 DUI homicide case through "reporting" that strayed far beyond "incorrect" and "erroneous" and into the realm of blatant deception. That "reporting" remains uncorrected and un-clarified to this day. The "reporter" was Debbie Garlicki ... who now works for DA Jim Martin.

* Through this blog, we’ve been exposing the unhealthy, crony-colluding relationship that has existed between DA Jim Martin and The Morning Call "newspaper" ever since Martin was appointed to his office in 1998.

* Our Justice Mission Goal is two-fold:

To de-throne crooked and incompetent DA Jim Martin and replace him with the kind of modern district attorney Lehigh County deserves.

To warn our community, and other grieving families, about the vigilant efforts they'll need to employ to outmaneuver DA Jim Martin and The Morning Call to get "justice" in Lehigh County.

We fight to get the truth out there, so that hopefully your family won't have to go through what our family continues to go through.

And what are the motives of those who so strenuously oppose us in our local government, local "justice" system, local blogosphere, and local "media?"

Draw your own conclusions.

We fight to expose and de-throne those who operate w/ evil intent.

Help us ... or stay out of our way.



Our talented, beautiful, and kind daughter Sheena was killed, suddenly and violently, by a malice-sodden and remorseless drunk driver on her 25th birthday in March, 2006. Apparently no big deal to some, but for us this life-shattering event continues to darken our lives with an aching sadness, and until you experience it yourself, you have no clue how surrealistically awful it is to lose a child.

A demonstrably crooked, incompetent, and not very bright DA, Jim Martin, "tipped his hand" and gave us good reasons to believe he’d be going easy on Sheena’s killer— and our instincts proved to be dead-on target, as Mr. Martin’s devious attempts to fix Sheena’s case in favor of her killer would reveal.

We had to work way too hard to get a measure of “justice” in Lehigh County. Basically, we had to outmaneuver DA Jim Martin and The Morning Call "newspaper" and we resent this greatly. We should have been able to use that time to grieve the loss of our daughter, instead of having to monitor an arrogant and unopposed DA and deter him from fixing Sheena’s case in favor of her killer, and his family.

We did okay versus DA Jim Martin, all things considered. Sheena’s killer was sentenced to serve 5 1/2 to 12 years in state prison, nearly double the PA state mandatory minimum sentence of 3 years. But it took hundreds of letters to DA Jim Martin and Judge Robert Steinberg (in election years for both of them) to flood-light-up DA Martin’s shamelessly lackluster "prosecution" of Sheena’s killer so brightly that it tied Jim Martin’s hands, and prevented a plea deal fix. Thank you again to the hundreds of you who wrote letters. Without them, we are positive Sheena’s killer would have gotten the "weekend jail" he was telling friends he’d be getting in the days immediately following Sheena’s death. He should have been charged w/ third degree murder.

All through our nightmarish ordeal, The Morning Call "newspaper" protected DA Jim Martin at every turn and refused to report on an array of jaw-dropping irregularities in DA Martin’s "handling" of Sheena’s case.

In September 2007, our civic-minded vigilance caught DA Jim Martin successfully fixing a DUI homicide case, the night before trial, in favor of the criminal defendant and his family. DA Martin succeeded by using tactics similar to those he had tried to use on us, unsuccessfully.

We believe The Morning Call “newspaper” helped DA Martin fix this September 2007 DUI homicide case through "reporting" that strayed far beyond "incorrect" and "erroneous" and into the realm of blatant deception. That "reporting" remains uncorrected and un-clarified to this day. The "reporter" was Debbie Garlicki ... who now works for DA Jim Martin.

Through this blog, we’ve been exposing the unhealthy, crony-colluding relationship that has existed between DA Jim Martin and The Morning Call "newspaper" ever since Martin was appointed to his office in 1998.

Our Justice Mission Goal is two-fold:

To de-throne crooked and incompetent DA Jim Martin and replace him with the kind of modern district attorney Lehigh County deserves.

To warn our community, and other grieving families, about the vigilant efforts they'll need to employ to outmaneuver DA Jim Martin and The Morning Call to get "justice" in Lehigh County.

We fight to get the truth out there, so that hopefully your family won't have to go through what our family continues to go through.

And what are the motives of those who so strenuously oppose us in our local government, local "justice" system, local blogosphere, and local "media?"

We fight to expose and de-throne those who operate w/ evil intent.

Help us ... or stay out of our way.


* Negligently Releasing Murderers into the Community

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Meet The New Boss

Many are saying that Obama's powerful speech last night was the greatest speech ever by a US President in front of a joint session of Congress, and we here at LVS agree. He kicked ass. He took CHARGE.
One high point of the speech was when Obama said that his "door is open" to GOP ideas, but he will "call out liars." He spoke directly to senior citizens who have been the target of the ridiculous lies about "death panels." He said his plan is "not a government takeover." A low point of the speech was when Representative Joe Wilson from South Carolina yelled out "you lie" (or some sources report that he said "it's a lie") when Obama stated that his plan does not cover illegal immigrants. Wilson showed complete disrespect for The President, and proved just how low the hateful wingnuts will go to make sure our President fails.

Another high point of Obama's speech was when he spoke about the late Ted Kennedy, and the letter Kennedy wrote in defense of liberalism. Kennedy strongly believed that health care is a moral issue and that it speaks to the character of Americans. To deny sick people health care coverage due to a pre-existing condition, or loss of job, is a social injustice. We are all in this together and should help each other. No one in America should die because they can't afford medical treatment. Quality health care is a human need, not a privilege just for people who can afford it. Evoking Kennedy at the end was LIBERALISM at it's best. Obama spoke directly to the American people , referencing real life stories of people dying and going bankrupt because of the current abuses of the health care industry.

The root of Obama's speech was that comprehensive regulation of the healthcare industry is long overdue. Obama stressed that he does not want to put HIC's out of business, he "just wants to hold them accountable." He wants to make it illegal for HIC's to deny coverage for a pre-existing condition, or when you lose your job. Obama's brilliant plan has pluses for everybody: the American people, the Republicans (Obama has much GOP input including McCain's ideas, and GOP goals of reforming malpractice litigation) and even insurance companies will gain millions of new customers via Obama making minimal coverage mandatory for everyone, similar to car insurance.

Get on board Republicans, the train is leaving the station with or without you. It's time to stop playing partisan politics with the lives of American citizens.

Meet The New Boss

Many are saying that Obama's powerful speech last night was the greatest speech ever by a US President in front of a joint session of Congress, and we here at LVS agree. He kicked ass. He took CHARGE.
One high point of the speech was when Obama said that his "door is open" to GOP ideas, but he will "call out liars." He spoke directly to senior citizens who have been the target of the ridiculous lies about "death panels." He said his plan is "not a government takeover." A low point of the speech was when Representative Joe Wilson from South Carolina yelled out "you lie" (or some sources report that he said "it's a lie") when Obama stated that his plan does not cover illegal immigrants. Wilson showed complete disrespect for The President, and proved just how low the hateful wingnuts will go to make sure our President fails.

Another high point of Obama's speech was when he spoke about the late Ted Kennedy, and the letter Kennedy wrote in defense of liberalism. Kennedy strongly believed that health care is a moral issue and that it speaks to the character of Americans. To deny sick people health care coverage due to a pre-existing condition, or loss of job, is a social injustice. We are all in this together and should help each other. No one in America should die because they can't afford medical treatment. Quality health care is a human need, not a privilege just for people who can afford it. Evoking Kennedy at the end was LIBERALISM at it's best. Obama spoke directly to the American people , referencing real life stories of people dying and going bankrupt because of the current abuses of the health care industry.

The root of Obama's speech was that comprehensive regulation of the healthcare industry is long overdue. Obama stressed that he does not want to put HIC's out of business, he "just wants to hold them accountable." He wants to make it illegal for HIC's to deny coverage for a pre-existing condition, or when you lose your job. Obama's brilliant plan has pluses for everybody: the American people, the Republicans (Obama has much GOP input including McCain's ideas, and GOP goals of reforming malpractice litigation) and even insurance companies will gain millions of new customers via Obama making minimal coverage mandatory for everyone, similar to car insurance.

Get on board Republicans, the train is leaving the station with or without you. It's time to stop playing partisan politics with the lives of American citizens.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Let The President Inspire Our Son

Update: see "Comments" section to find out which member(s) of the Allentown School District Board of Education are regularly contributing "fellow commentator members" of the rabidly racist blog, The Allentown Commentator.

Readers, this is an email we've sent to our son Gianni's principal and teacher at Muhlenberg Elementary School in Allentown. 

Dear Mr. Turton and Miss Dex: 

We understand that the Allentown School District, caving to 
NeoCon right wingnut racist lunacy along with the mainstream media,  will be leaving it up to individual ASD classroom teachers to decide whether or not their students, our children, can watch an address from the President of The United States, Barack Obama, scheduled for the first day of school on Tuesday. 

Please be advised: we insist that our son Gianni have access to President Obama's address to school children on Tuesday, at school. As such, we strongly advise you to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that Gianni has access to the President's address, including moving him to a classroom where the address is being shown, or moving him to another school where President Obama's speech is being "allowed." 

Thank you for your consideration, wishing you a productive and enriching new school year. 

Best Regards, 

Angie Villa & Bill Villa

Update: Readers, we got this nice email response the day after posting this post ... 

Dear Mrs. Villa, 

Muhlenberg Elementary will be taking the necessary steps in order to show President Obama's scheduled speech to our students. If you have any other concerns, please let me know. 

I look forward to meeting you and Gianni on Tuesday!

Thank you, Miss Dex :) 

Update: Got this email from Muhlenberg's cool principal coupla minutes ago (10:34am, 9/8/09)

Mr. & Mrs. Villa, 

It is our intention to show the President's address today. Barring any technical problems the students will see and hear the speech. 

Phil Turton

Update: 12:27pm, 9/8/09, we just watched President Obama's awe-inspiring speech to U.S. students. How anybody can be against this man totally escapes us. On a personal note, we especially liked Obama's words on "standing up to bullies."

Let The President Inspire Our Son

Update: see "Comments" section to find out which member(s) of the Allentown School District Board of Education are regularly contributing "fellow commentator members" of the rabidly racist blog, The Allentown Commentator.

Readers, this is an email we've sent to our son Gianni's principal and teacher at Muhlenberg Elementary School in Allentown. 

Dear Mr. Turton and Miss Dex: 

We understand that the Allentown School District, caving to 
NeoCon right wingnut racist lunacy along with the mainstream media,  will be leaving it up to individual ASD classroom teachers to decide whether or not their students, our children, can watch an address from the President of The United States, Barack Obama, scheduled for the first day of school on Tuesday. 

Please be advised: we insist that our son Gianni have access to President Obama's address to school children on Tuesday, at school. As such, we strongly advise you to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that Gianni has access to the President's address, including moving him to a classroom where the address is being shown, or moving him to another school where President Obama's speech is being "allowed." 

Thank you for your consideration, wishing you a productive and enriching new school year. 

Best Regards, 

Angie Villa & Bill Villa

Update: Readers, we got this nice email response the day after posting this post ... 

Dear Mrs. Villa, 

Muhlenberg Elementary will be taking the necessary steps in order to show President Obama's scheduled speech to our students. If you have any other concerns, please let me know. 

I look forward to meeting you and Gianni on Tuesday!

Thank you, Miss Dex :) 

Update: Got this email from Muhlenberg's cool principal coupla minutes ago (10:34am, 9/8/09)

Mr. & Mrs. Villa, 

It is our intention to show the President's address today. Barring any technical problems the students will see and hear the speech. 

Phil Turton

Update: 12:27pm, 9/8/09, we just watched President Obama's awe-inspiring speech to U.S. students. How anybody can be against this man totally escapes us. On a personal note, we especially liked Obama's words on "standing up to bullies."