Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bill White: Coward & Liar

In his latest "W" Mike Donovan image rescue attempt on 12/3 (thinly disguised as a rumination on Allentown's 2011 budget approval process), under-achieving Morning Call "newspaper" food/gluttony columnist and obsessive LVS stalker Bill White "wrote" ...

Some councilpeople were speculating about whether a less dramatic increase in that Earned Income Tax, combined with a small property tax increase, might be more equitable, but Pawlowski was having none of it.

"If you would like to do that," he [Pawlowski] answered, "I would be more than happy to look at any proposal council would put forth."

Politically, it was the perfect, if somewhat smarmy, response: Put your record where your mouth is.

Q. Mr. White, what exactly was "smarmy" about Mayor Pawlowski publicly stating his willingness to consider a 2011 budget plan other than his own? Seems to me Mayor Pawlowski was throwing the door wide open for the 7 City Council members (all Democrats) to cooperatively forge a plan that, if better, would have been readily apparent to the many tuned-in citizens in attendance at City Council chambers last Wednesday evening as was reported on by 69 News ... no?

And ... wasn't last Wednesday evening supposed to be "W" Mike Donovan's moment to shine and dazzle everyone? Especially after all that pre-fight hype in The Morning Call "newspaper!"

Q. Mr. White, wouldn't "coward" have been the most appropriate word for you to use in describing "W" Mike Donovan's wimping out, cutting & running, and not even presenting his much ballyhooed alternative budget plan at City Council last Wednesday?

Instead, not only do you give Donovan a total pass on crapping out (in his pants), you disingenuously praise the "guy" as a maverick.

And most tellingly, you purposefully don't tell your handful of readers anything about the outrageous and insulting statements Donovan is making to, and about, the voters at his "Inclusion" blog, like for example this newsworthy nugget: "I have no sympathy for the voters, none."

Q. Readers, is "liar" too strong a word to use in describing Bill White?

I would be more than happy to look at any counter proposal Bill White would put forth.

In the meantime (if Bill White's 12/3 column isn't enough proof for you that he's a coward and a liar), see: Michael Donovan Ethics Board Whitewash.

As you can see, not only did "reporter" Jarrett Renshaw and "columnist" Bill White not tell their readers anything about the nature of the vile, anti-Villas content at Donovan's blog that triggered our complaint against Donovan to the Allentown "Ethics" Board ... Renshaw and White (w/ the approval of their editors) also both name-checked the author/perpetrators of all that signed anti-Villas vile at Donovan's blog as testimonial character witnesses for Donovan-- never mentioning that these Donovan "character witnesses" were also the author/perpetrators of all that anti-Villas filth at Donovan's blog.

Those are The Inconvenient Facts, folks.

Bill White is a coward and a liar.

Read LVS Post UpDate

Bill White: Coward & Liar

In his latest "W" Mike Donovan image rescue attempt on 12/3 (thinly disguised as a rumination on Allentown's 2011 budget approval process), under-achieving Morning Call "newspaper" food/gluttony columnist and obsessive LVS stalker Bill White "wrote" ...

Some councilpeople were speculating about whether a less dramatic increase in that Earned Income Tax, combined with a small property tax increase, might be more equitable, but Pawlowski was having none of it.

"If you would like to do that," he [Pawlowski] answered, "I would be more than happy to look at any proposal council would put forth."

Politically, it was the perfect, if somewhat smarmy, response: Put your record where your mouth is.

Q. Mr. White, what exactly was "smarmy" about Mayor Pawlowski publicly stating his willingness to consider a 2011 budget plan other than his own? Seems to me Mayor Pawlowski was throwing the door wide open for the 7 City Council members (all Democrats) to cooperatively forge a plan that, if better, would have been readily apparent to the many tuned-in citizens in attendance at City Council chambers last Wednesday evening as was reported on by 69 News ... no?

And ... wasn't last Wednesday evening supposed to be "W" Mike Donovan's moment to shine and dazzle everyone? Especially after all that pre-fight hype in The Morning Call "newspaper!"

Q. Mr. White, wouldn't "coward" have been the most appropriate word for you to use in describing "W" Mike Donovan's wimping out, cutting & running, and not even presenting his much ballyhooed alternative budget plan at City Council last Wednesday?

Instead, not only do you give Donovan a total pass on crapping out (in his pants), you disingenuously praise the "guy" as a maverick.

And most tellingly, you purposefully don't tell your handful of readers anything about the outrageous and insulting statements Donovan is making to, and about, the voters at his "Inclusion" blog, like for example this newsworthy nugget: "I have no sympathy for the voters, none."

Q. Readers, is "liar" too strong a word to use in describing Bill White?

I would be more than happy to look at any counter proposal Bill White would put forth.

In the meantime (if Bill White's 12/3 column isn't enough proof for you that he's a coward and a liar), see: Michael Donovan Ethics Board Whitewash.

As you can see, not only did "reporter" Jarrett Renshaw and "columnist" Bill White not tell their readers anything about the nature of the vile, anti-Villas content at Donovan's blog that triggered our complaint against Donovan to the Allentown "Ethics" Board ... Renshaw and White (w/ the approval of their editors) also both name-checked the author/perpetrators of all that signed anti-Villas vile at Donovan's blog as testimonial character witnesses for Donovan-- never mentioning that these Donovan "character witnesses" were also the author/perpetrators of all that anti-Villas filth at Donovan's blog.

Those are The Inconvenient Facts, folks.

Bill White is a coward and a liar.

Read LVS Post UpDate

Friday, December 3, 2010

"W" Mike Donovan Can Dish It Out But He Can't Take It

Readers, here's a signed comment I've posted at "W" Mike Donovan's moderated and exclusionary blog, "Inclusion," that so far (sigh) has been haughtily denied inclusion by a cowering Donovan.

Bill Villa said... "W," the local media and the voters and even our duped dunce local blogosphere are all finally seeing through you for what you are:

a petulant, pouting, and pusillanimous phony.

This is the karma boomerang [pictured, above left] you've had coming to you, for what you did to my good family ...

Hopefully there's more (and way worse) payback karma heading your way, and we're loving it.

Best Comment
Anonymous said...

Truly despicable that Donovan would allow Chris Casey to post hundreds of sadistic and vile comments about [the Villa] family at his ["Inclusion"] blog but [he] blocks Bill's comment[s].

"W" Mike Donovan Can Dish It Out But He Can't Take It

Readers, here's a signed comment I've posted at "W" Mike Donovan's moderated and exclusionary blog, "Inclusion," that so far (sigh) has been haughtily denied inclusion by a cowering Donovan.

Bill Villa said... "W," the local media and the voters and even our duped dunce local blogosphere are all finally seeing through you for what you are:

a petulant, pouting, and pusillanimous phony.

This is the karma boomerang [pictured, above left] you've had coming to you, for what you did to my good family ...

Hopefully there's more (and way worse) payback karma heading your way, and we're loving it.

Best Comment
Anonymous said...

Truly despicable that Donovan would allow Chris Casey to post hundreds of sadistic and vile comments about [the Villa] family at his ["Inclusion"] blog but [he] blocks Bill's comment[s].

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"W" Mike Donovan (left) Wimps Out, Cuts & Runs Like The Pusillanimous Phony He Is

Sadly, LVS wasn't able to attend last evening's much ballyhooed budget meeting of Allentown City Council but (like other local bloggers who weren't there neither) we won't let that stop us from writing about it authoritatively.

Here's what we know:

The Morning Call "newspaper" had agenda-manipulated last night into the Fight Of The Century, pitting a maverick "Democrat" (and lifelong Republican before he moved here) city councilor "W" Mike Donovan who's not seeking reelection (wink wink) against popular Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski. The pre-fight hype was that Donovan, w/ alternative budget plan in hand, was gonna teach the Mayor, and City Council, and all in attendance a thing or two about revenue raising and budgeting (Donovan teaches girls "ethics" at Cedar Crest College for now).

Well apparently none of that happened last night as advertised, and Donovan's much-practiced and preached ("I am tired of people saying they cannot afford a tax increase!") "knockout punch," INCREASING PROPERTY TAXES, vanished, curiously, at the last minute like hundreds of sadistically cruel and libelous blog comments that were "fun to read" (according to Donovan) while they lasted, too.

As revealingly reported by 69 News ...

Donovan said earlier this week he was also going to propose an increase in property taxes as part of his alternative plan, but he said last night that he decided not to follow through with that part of his proposal. Yep.

City Council (minus Donovan) subsequently passed Mayor Pawlowski's Popular Budget unanimously.

Here's the updated report from 69 News ... Donovan had more than 100 proposed amendments to the final budget Wednesday night, though he withdrew many of them after his initial attempts failed.

Donovan was spotted crying in his (hiccup) Brew Works beer early this morning in a sore loser, narcissistically whining, pity-extorting, and poorly written new post at his "Inclusion" (wink wink) blog ... but he nervously poofed it quickly. We'll keep our eye out for the revised version (we suspect Jarrett Renshaw is helping him w/ it).

In the meantime, let's all savor this side-splitting classic from the LVS "Best Of Donivan" vault.

Post UpDate: Duped Dunce Donovan has now re-posted his poofed/revised blog post. And we sure do hope he doesn't poof this declaration of political suicide in the last paragraph, and thanks for saving us the trouble of further destroying you, Mike ...

He's done.

"W" Mike Donovan (left) Wimps Out, Cuts & Runs Like The Pusillanimous Phony He Is

Sadly, LVS wasn't able to attend last evening's much ballyhooed budget meeting of Allentown City Council but (like other local bloggers who weren't there neither) we won't let that stop us from writing about it authoritatively.

Here's what we know:

The Morning Call "newspaper" had agenda-manipulated last night into the Fight Of The Century, pitting a maverick "Democrat" (and lifelong Republican before he moved here) city councilor "W" Mike Donovan who's not seeking reelection (wink wink) against popular Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski. The pre-fight hype was that Donovan, w/ alternative budget plan in hand, was gonna teach the Mayor, and City Council, and all in attendance a thing or two about revenue raising and budgeting (Donovan teaches girls "ethics" at Cedar Crest College for now).

Well apparently none of that happened last night as advertised, and Donovan's much-practiced and preached ("I am tired of people saying they cannot afford a tax increase!") "knockout punch," INCREASING PROPERTY TAXES, vanished, curiously, at the last minute like hundreds of sadistically cruel and libelous blog comments that were "fun to read" (according to Donovan) while they lasted, too.

As revealingly reported by 69 News ...

Donovan said earlier this week he was also going to propose an increase in property taxes as part of his alternative plan, but he said last night that he decided not to follow through with that part of his proposal. Yep.

City Council (minus Donovan) subsequently passed Mayor Pawlowski's Popular Budget unanimously.

Here's the updated report from 69 News ... Donovan had more than 100 proposed amendments to the final budget Wednesday night, though he withdrew many of them after his initial attempts failed.

Donovan was spotted crying in his (hiccup) Brew Works beer early this morning in a sore loser, narcissistically whining, pity-extorting, and poorly written new post at his "Inclusion" (wink wink) blog ... but he nervously poofed it quickly. We'll keep our eye out for the revised version (we suspect Jarrett Renshaw is helping him w/ it).

In the meantime, let's all savor this side-splitting classic from the LVS "Best Of Donivan" vault.

Post UpDate: Duped Dunce Donovan has now re-posted his poofed/revised blog post. And we sure do hope he doesn't poof this declaration of political suicide in the last paragraph, and thanks for saving us the trouble of further destroying you, Mike ...

He's done.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Passive-Aggressive, Little Lord Fauntleroy "W" Mike Donovan Wants Our Attention

* "The Mayor's response to my proposal"

* The Inconvenient Facts: Duped Dunce Donovan Done

Passive-Aggressive, Little Lord Fauntleroy "W" Mike Donovan Wants Our Attention

* "The Mayor's response to my proposal"

* The Inconvenient Facts: Duped Dunce Donovan Done

Saturday, November 27, 2010

De-Throning DA Jim Martin Email(s), Incoming, Outgoing ...

Email (containing a link to LVS's most recent post), Incoming, from an influential Lehigh County democrat, [Redacted], that was sent to the Lehigh County Democrats, and to me ...

On Nov 26, 2010, at 11:24:25 AM, [Redacted] wrote:


I realize Mr. Martin is a formidable character, however, a position as DA should not go unopposed. Best wishes as we gear up for a better outcome in 2011.


((Me, Outgoing, replying to

Very well said, [Redacted], thanks. And Jimbo's not even all that formidable, really. In my up close and personal experience with Martin, I found him to be your classic neighborhood bully. Stand up to him, and
knock him on his fat ass (like I do, at will), and he pees his panties and runs for the hills crying. Seriously. He's all bark and zero bite. Well okay, except for the abusing his office and trumping up phony criminal charges against me (or you) in collusion with Tom Corbett ...

but in the end,
Martin lost that one against me too.

My advice: play as dirty as possible against Jim Martin because that's how he plays. And again, it would be my pleasure to help the (
"Is It Low T?" Oh I'm kidding) Lehigh County Democrats beat Jim Martin, give me a ring any time you're ready to admit that you (respectfully) don't have a candidate or a clue regarding how to beat Jim Martin like I can and do every day of the week.

Enjoy the Holiday!

Bill Villa

[Pictured: Lehigh County DA (for now) Jim (hiccup) Martin (left) w/ Lehigh County Executive (just barely) Don Cunning-Ham who didn't send me the email referenced above; remember, I said an "influential" Lehigh County democrat]

De-Throning DA Jim Martin Email(s), Incoming, Outgoing ...

Email (containing a link to LVS's most recent post), Incoming, from an influential Lehigh County democrat, [Redacted], that was sent to the Lehigh County Democrats, and to me ...

On Nov 26, 2010, at 11:24:25 AM, [Redacted] wrote:


I realize Mr. Martin is a formidable character, however, a position as DA should not go unopposed. Best wishes as we gear up for a better outcome in 2011.


((Me, Outgoing, replying to

Very well said, [Redacted], thanks. And Jimbo's not even all that formidable, really. In my up close and personal experience with Martin, I found him to be your classic neighborhood bully. Stand up to him, and
knock him on his fat ass (like I do, at will), and he pees his panties and runs for the hills crying. Seriously. He's all bark and zero bite. Well okay, except for the abusing his office and trumping up phony criminal charges against me (or you) in collusion with Tom Corbett ...

but in the end,
Martin lost that one against me too.

My advice: play as dirty as possible against Jim Martin because that's how he plays. And again, it would be my pleasure to help the (
"Is It Low T?" Oh I'm kidding) Lehigh County Democrats beat Jim Martin, give me a ring any time you're ready to admit that you (respectfully) don't have a candidate or a clue regarding how to beat Jim Martin like I can and do every day of the week.

Enjoy the Holiday!

Bill Villa

[Pictured: Lehigh County DA (for now) Jim (hiccup) Martin (left) w/ Lehigh County Executive (just barely) Don Cunning-Ham who didn't send me the email referenced above; remember, I said an "influential" Lehigh County democrat]

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Allentown Democratic City Committee Meeting Monday Night

11/29 UpDate: Meeting inexplicably canceled one hour before it was slated to start. See last 2 comments.

From the website of the Lehigh County Democrats [see "Calendar"]

When: Monday, November 29, 7pm - 8pm

Where: IBEW, 1201 Hamilton St., [sic] Allentown PA

Description: Chairman Martin Estrada calls all Allentown Democrats and other interested Democrats to attend a meeting of the Allentown Democratic City Committee at 7:00 p.m. at the IBEW building at 12th and Liberty [sic] Streets in Allentown. For more information, contact Martin Estrada at 484-951-2919.

LVS Editor's Note: IBEW is located at 1201 West Liberty Street in Allentown PA, 18102.

Let's pack the place and help kick the "De-Throning DA Jim Martin Campaign" into high gear.

Allentown Democratic City Committee Meeting Monday Night

11/29 UpDate: Meeting inexplicably canceled one hour before it was slated to start. See last 2 comments.

From the website of the Lehigh County Democrats [see "Calendar"]

When: Monday, November 29, 7pm - 8pm

Where: IBEW, 1201 Hamilton St., [sic] Allentown PA

Description: Chairman Martin Estrada calls all Allentown Democrats and other interested Democrats to attend a meeting of the Allentown Democratic City Committee at 7:00 p.m. at the IBEW building at 12th and Liberty [sic] Streets in Allentown. For more information, contact Martin Estrada at 484-951-2919.

LVS Editor's Note: IBEW is located at 1201 West Liberty Street in Allentown PA, 18102.

Let's pack the place and help kick the "De-Throning DA Jim Martin Campaign" into high gear.