Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year End Review.

Read comment #1 for the access details and the rest of the comments for more jaw-dropping LVS 2010 Year End Review.

Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year End Review.

Read comment #1 for the access details and the rest of the comments for more jaw-dropping LVS 2010 Year End Review.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Meet Wally Trimble, Journalism Dep't, Lehigh University (Bill White's Superior)

Well, I'm hoping to meet Mr. Trimble (fingers crossed).

Today I sent Wally Trimble this email again, my polite request #24, cc'd to Lehigh Provost Patrick V. Farrell, Lehigh President Alice P. Gast, Lehigh adjunct journalism professor Glenn Kranzley, and numerous Lehigh U Big Wigs:

Mr. Trimble, I recently learned that Lehigh's Department of Journalism and Communication is employing Bill White, columnist at The Morning Call "newspaper," as an adjunct for its JOUR 11: News Writing course. I have grave concerns regarding Mr. White's ability to perform this task in the objective and professional manner I believe Lehigh University expects from its instructors. My concerns stem from Mr. White's jaw-droppingly deceitful and un-ethical reporting on an event involving me and a fellow Morning Call blogger crony of Mr. White's, outgoing Allentown City Council Vice President "W" Mike Donovan. Mr. Trimble, I believe that, as the chair of the journalism department, you should be aware of this smarmy issue and I would be happy to meet with you at your convenience to discuss this matter further, and in specific detail. I believe that there are enough qualified current and former local journalists available for adjunct positions at Lehigh University and that Mr. White should be fired. Give me 30 minutes to go over the facts with you and I'm confident you'll end up believing the same thing. Call me to arrange an in-person meeting.

Looking forward to your prompt response, and I won't stop contacting you until I get one. I will not be ignored on this serious matter.


Bill Villa

Editor's Note: The area record for "ignoring" (wink wink) Bill Villa is 229 and is held by Lehigh University adjunct journalism professor (for now) Glenn Kranzley.

[12/31 UpDate: Readers, callous and cowering coward Wally Tremble is blocking my grieving father, polite request-to-meet in-person email(s) w/ "Spam Assassin" and won't return my phone calls, so starting w/ polite outreach #25 today, all my requests for an in-person meeting will be directed at Lehigh University Provost Patrick V. Farrell and we'll settle up w/ Wally Tremble down the road]

Meet Wally Trimble, Journalism Dep't, Lehigh University (Bill White's Superior)

Well, I'm hoping to meet Mr. Trimble (fingers crossed).

Today I sent Wally Trimble this email again, my polite request #24, cc'd to Lehigh Provost Patrick V. Farrell, Lehigh President Alice P. Gast, Lehigh adjunct journalism professor Glenn Kranzley, and numerous Lehigh U Big Wigs:

Mr. Trimble, I recently learned that Lehigh's Department of Journalism and Communication is employing Bill White, columnist at The Morning Call "newspaper," as an adjunct for its JOUR 11: News Writing course. I have grave concerns regarding Mr. White's ability to perform this task in the objective and professional manner I believe Lehigh University expects from its instructors. My concerns stem from Mr. White's jaw-droppingly deceitful and un-ethical reporting on an event involving me and a fellow Morning Call blogger crony of Mr. White's, outgoing Allentown City Council Vice President "W" Mike Donovan. Mr. Trimble, I believe that, as the chair of the journalism department, you should be aware of this smarmy issue and I would be happy to meet with you at your convenience to discuss this matter further, and in specific detail. I believe that there are enough qualified current and former local journalists available for adjunct positions at Lehigh University and that Mr. White should be fired. Give me 30 minutes to go over the facts with you and I'm confident you'll end up believing the same thing. Call me to arrange an in-person meeting.

Looking forward to your prompt response, and I won't stop contacting you until I get one. I will not be ignored on this serious matter.


Bill Villa

Editor's Note: The area record for "ignoring" (wink wink) Bill Villa is 229 and is held by Lehigh University adjunct journalism professor (for now) Glenn Kranzley.

[12/31 UpDate: Readers, callous and cowering coward Wally Tremble is blocking my grieving father, polite request-to-meet in-person email(s) w/ "Spam Assassin" and won't return my phone calls, so starting w/ polite outreach #25 today, all my requests for an in-person meeting will be directed at Lehigh University Provost Patrick V. Farrell and we'll settle up w/ Wally Tremble down the road]

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Meet Lehigh University Provost, Patrick V. Farrell (Wally Trimble's Superior)

Well, I'm hoping to meet Mr. Farrell (fingers crossed).

Today I sent him this email ...

Mr. Farrell, I was hoping to handle this with Mr. Trimble, but Mr. Trimble's pusillanimously ducking me. Please phone me at your convenience, thanks.

Bill Villa

Editor's Note: The area record for "ignoring" (wink wink) Bill Villa is 229 and is held by Lehigh University adjunct journalism professor (for now) Glenn Kranzley.

Meet Lehigh University Provost, Patrick V. Farrell (Wally Trimble's Superior)

Well, I'm hoping to meet Mr. Farrell (fingers crossed).

Today I sent him this email ...

Mr. Farrell, I was hoping to handle this with Mr. Trimble, but Mr. Trimble's pusillanimously ducking me. Please phone me at your convenience, thanks.

Bill Villa

Editor's Note: The area record for "ignoring" (wink wink) Bill Villa is 229 and is held by Lehigh University adjunct journalism professor (for now) Glenn Kranzley.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lehigh University Should Fire Un-Ethical Journalist & Adjunct Professor Bill White

[12/14 UpDate: Bill White responds by publishing an un-hinged and profane name-calling comment at his blog that's deleted at our request by Morning Call online editors Marc Rosenberg and Elizabeth Bartolai overnight]

Watch: Back Story Michael Donovan 69 News Exposé 

In one of the more disillusioning examples of crooked colluding cronyism LVS has exposed to date, get this ... compulsive LVS stalker and under-achieving Morning Call "newspaper" Food/Gluttony, Movie Quotes, and Christmas "lites" columnist Bill White (pictured) has inexplicably taught journalism (?) at Bethlehem PA's Lehigh University for 28 years.

Oh wait, here's the explanation: the Chair of the Department is Bill's longtime fellow Morning Call pally, Wally Trimble. 

Here's, specifically, why Lehigh University should fire Bill White ASAP.

Readers, please take a moment to carefully examine the stunningly obvious deception The Morning Call perpetrated on me, and on its readers recently, in full view of you, the public.

As you can see, not only did "reporter" Jarrett Renshaw and "columnist" Bill White purposefully not tell their readers anything about the nature of the vile, anti-Villas content at Donovan's blog that triggered our complaint against Donovan to the Allentown "Ethics" Board ...

Renshaw and White (w/ the approval of their editors, presumably) also both quoted the author/perpetrators of all that signed anti-Villas vile at Donovan's blog as testimonial character witnesses for Donovan (!) never mentioning that these same Donovan "character witnesses" were also the author/perpetrators of all that anti-Villas filth at Donovan's blog.

Also never mentioned is that Renshaw and White are openly and publicly friendly w/ the cyber perpetrators and that their protectee, Michael Donovan, blogs for The Morning Call.

Those are The Inconvenient Facts, Lehigh U folks, and we have the hard copy to prove it to you.

Bill White is a coward and a liar.

No way he should be teaching journalism anywhere, or getting paid to write anything.

I've civilly and politely e-requested an in-person meeting w/ Wally Trimble and Bill White. No response yet from either pussy.

Lehigh University Should Fire Un-Ethical Journalist & Adjunct Professor Bill White

[12/14 UpDate: Bill White responds by publishing an un-hinged and profane name-calling comment at his blog that's deleted at our request by Morning Call online editors Marc Rosenberg and Elizabeth Bartolai overnight]

Watch: Back Story Michael Donovan 69 News Exposé 

In one of the more disillusioning examples of crooked colluding cronyism LVS has exposed to date, get this ... compulsive LVS stalker and under-achieving Morning Call "newspaper" Food/Gluttony, Movie Quotes, and Christmas "lites" columnist Bill White (pictured) has inexplicably taught journalism (?) at Bethlehem PA's Lehigh University for 28 years.

Oh wait, here's the explanation: the Chair of the Department is Bill's longtime fellow Morning Call pally, Wally Trimble. 

Here's, specifically, why Lehigh University should fire Bill White ASAP.

Readers, please take a moment to carefully examine the stunningly obvious deception The Morning Call perpetrated on me, and on its readers recently, in full view of you, the public.

As you can see, not only did "reporter" Jarrett Renshaw and "columnist" Bill White purposefully not tell their readers anything about the nature of the vile, anti-Villas content at Donovan's blog that triggered our complaint against Donovan to the Allentown "Ethics" Board ...

Renshaw and White (w/ the approval of their editors, presumably) also both quoted the author/perpetrators of all that signed anti-Villas vile at Donovan's blog as testimonial character witnesses for Donovan (!) never mentioning that these same Donovan "character witnesses" were also the author/perpetrators of all that anti-Villas filth at Donovan's blog.

Also never mentioned is that Renshaw and White are openly and publicly friendly w/ the cyber perpetrators and that their protectee, Michael Donovan, blogs for The Morning Call.

Those are The Inconvenient Facts, Lehigh U folks, and we have the hard copy to prove it to you.

Bill White is a coward and a liar.

No way he should be teaching journalism anywhere, or getting paid to write anything.

I've civilly and politely e-requested an in-person meeting w/ Wally Trimble and Bill White. No response yet from either "man." 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bill White: Coward & Liar

In his latest "W" Mike Donovan image rescue attempt on 12/3 (thinly disguised as a rumination on Allentown's 2011 budget approval process), under-achieving Morning Call "newspaper" food/gluttony columnist and obsessive LVS stalker Bill White "wrote" ...

Some councilpeople were speculating about whether a less dramatic increase in that Earned Income Tax, combined with a small property tax increase, might be more equitable, but Pawlowski was having none of it.

"If you would like to do that," he [Pawlowski] answered, "I would be more than happy to look at any proposal council would put forth."

Politically, it was the perfect, if somewhat smarmy, response: Put your record where your mouth is.

Q. Mr. White, what exactly was "smarmy" about Mayor Pawlowski publicly stating his willingness to consider a 2011 budget plan other than his own? Seems to me Mayor Pawlowski was throwing the door wide open for the 7 City Council members (all Democrats) to cooperatively forge a plan that, if better, would have been readily apparent to the many tuned-in citizens in attendance at City Council chambers last Wednesday evening as was reported on by 69 News ... no?

And ... wasn't last Wednesday evening supposed to be "W" Mike Donovan's moment to shine and dazzle everyone? Especially after all that pre-fight hype in The Morning Call "newspaper!"

Q. Mr. White, wouldn't "coward" have been the most appropriate word for you to use in describing "W" Mike Donovan's wimping out, cutting & running, and not even presenting his much ballyhooed alternative budget plan at City Council last Wednesday?

Instead, not only do you give Donovan a total pass on crapping out (in his pants), you disingenuously praise the "guy" as a maverick.

And most tellingly, you purposefully don't tell your handful of readers anything about the outrageous and insulting statements Donovan is making to, and about, the voters at his "Inclusion" blog, like for example this newsworthy nugget: "I have no sympathy for the voters, none."

Q. Readers, is "liar" too strong a word to use in describing Bill White?

I would be more than happy to look at any counter proposal Bill White would put forth.

In the meantime (if Bill White's 12/3 column isn't enough proof for you that he's a coward and a liar), see: Michael Donovan Ethics Board Whitewash.

As you can see, not only did "reporter" Jarrett Renshaw and "columnist" Bill White not tell their readers anything about the nature of the vile, anti-Villas content at Donovan's blog that triggered our complaint against Donovan to the Allentown "Ethics" Board ... Renshaw and White (w/ the approval of their editors) also both name-checked the author/perpetrators of all that signed anti-Villas vile at Donovan's blog as testimonial character witnesses for Donovan-- never mentioning that these Donovan "character witnesses" were also the author/perpetrators of all that anti-Villas filth at Donovan's blog.

Those are The Inconvenient Facts, folks.

Bill White is a coward and a liar.

Read LVS Post UpDate

Bill White: Coward & Liar

In his latest "W" Mike Donovan image rescue attempt on 12/3 (thinly disguised as a rumination on Allentown's 2011 budget approval process), under-achieving Morning Call "newspaper" food/gluttony columnist and obsessive LVS stalker Bill White "wrote" ...

Some councilpeople were speculating about whether a less dramatic increase in that Earned Income Tax, combined with a small property tax increase, might be more equitable, but Pawlowski was having none of it.

"If you would like to do that," he [Pawlowski] answered, "I would be more than happy to look at any proposal council would put forth."

Politically, it was the perfect, if somewhat smarmy, response: Put your record where your mouth is.

Q. Mr. White, what exactly was "smarmy" about Mayor Pawlowski publicly stating his willingness to consider a 2011 budget plan other than his own? Seems to me Mayor Pawlowski was throwing the door wide open for the 7 City Council members (all Democrats) to cooperatively forge a plan that, if better, would have been readily apparent to the many tuned-in citizens in attendance at City Council chambers last Wednesday evening as was reported on by 69 News ... no?

And ... wasn't last Wednesday evening supposed to be "W" Mike Donovan's moment to shine and dazzle everyone? Especially after all that pre-fight hype in The Morning Call "newspaper!"

Q. Mr. White, wouldn't "coward" have been the most appropriate word for you to use in describing "W" Mike Donovan's wimping out, cutting & running, and not even presenting his much ballyhooed alternative budget plan at City Council last Wednesday?

Instead, not only do you give Donovan a total pass on crapping out (in his pants), you disingenuously praise the "guy" as a maverick.

And most tellingly, you purposefully don't tell your handful of readers anything about the outrageous and insulting statements Donovan is making to, and about, the voters at his "Inclusion" blog, like for example this newsworthy nugget: "I have no sympathy for the voters, none."

Q. Readers, is "liar" too strong a word to use in describing Bill White?

I would be more than happy to look at any counter proposal Bill White would put forth.

In the meantime (if Bill White's 12/3 column isn't enough proof for you that he's a coward and a liar), see: Michael Donovan Ethics Board Whitewash.

As you can see, not only did "reporter" Jarrett Renshaw and "columnist" Bill White not tell their readers anything about the nature of the vile, anti-Villas content at Donovan's blog that triggered our complaint against Donovan to the Allentown "Ethics" Board ... Renshaw and White (w/ the approval of their editors) also both name-checked the author/perpetrators of all that signed anti-Villas vile at Donovan's blog as testimonial character witnesses for Donovan-- never mentioning that these Donovan "character witnesses" were also the author/perpetrators of all that anti-Villas filth at Donovan's blog.

Those are The Inconvenient Facts, folks.

Bill White is a coward and a liar.

Read LVS Post UpDate

Friday, December 3, 2010

"W" Mike Donovan Can Dish It Out But He Can't Take It

Readers, here's a signed comment I've posted at "W" Mike Donovan's moderated and exclusionary blog, "Inclusion," that so far (sigh) has been haughtily denied inclusion by a cowering Donovan.

Bill Villa said... "W," the local media and the voters and even our duped dunce local blogosphere are all finally seeing through you for what you are:

a petulant, pouting, and pusillanimous phony.

This is the karma boomerang [pictured, above left] you've had coming to you, for what you did to my good family ...

Hopefully there's more (and way worse) payback karma heading your way, and we're loving it.

Best Comment
Anonymous said...

Truly despicable that Donovan would allow Chris Casey to post hundreds of sadistic and vile comments about [the Villa] family at his ["Inclusion"] blog but [he] blocks Bill's comment[s].

"W" Mike Donovan Can Dish It Out But He Can't Take It

Readers, here's a signed comment I've posted at "W" Mike Donovan's moderated and exclusionary blog, "Inclusion," that so far (sigh) has been haughtily denied inclusion by a cowering Donovan.

Bill Villa said... "W," the local media and the voters and even our duped dunce local blogosphere are all finally seeing through you for what you are:

a petulant, pouting, and pusillanimous phony.

This is the karma boomerang [pictured, above left] you've had coming to you, for what you did to my good family ...

Hopefully there's more (and way worse) payback karma heading your way, and we're loving it.

Best Comment
Anonymous said...

Truly despicable that Donovan would allow Chris Casey to post hundreds of sadistic and vile comments about [the Villa] family at his ["Inclusion"] blog but [he] blocks Bill's comment[s].