Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bill Villa Cleared of Bernie O'Hare's Bogus "Harassment" Charges

Read > Related Story

[1/6/10 UpDate] It took Northampton County Court of Common Pleas Judge Stephen G. Baratta approximately 20 seconds this morning to toss Bernie O'Hare's phony "harassment" charges against me (left), thus reversing and overturning the shameful mockery of justice in Wind Gap that was rigged against me last May by O'Hare and crony-crooked District Magistrate Adrianne L. Masut.

O'Hare, knowing he had no chance of prevailing against me and my sharp lawyer ... and not wanting his many NorCo Courthouse cronies to witness his imminent ass-kicking ... was a no-show on purpose. Yep. The O'Hare brand of savvy "legal acumen" (wink wink) strikes again. And sadly, for the second time in as many months, another local bully got his ass whupped in court, liberally, by yours truly, moi. Who's next? Stay tuned.

By far the best line of the 20-second legal massacre belonged to Judge Baratta who, in quizzically noting O'Hare's curious absence from the NorCo Courthouse comically quipped, "Is this the title searcher Bernie O'Hare? Why he's in here all the time!"

Actually, O'Hare was lurking in the building, as was his tragically-duped seminarian acolyte and lapdog Alex Joseph who we caught peeking into Judge Baratta's Courtroom #6.

Dear Readers, I had the extreme pleasure of intercepting "Father Alex," introducing myself to him, shaking his hand from an up-close and personal proximity easily close enough for a concussion-inducing head-butt (had I opted for one), and telling "Father Alex," to his bloated face, that he's "a piece of shit who will burn in hell." Somewhere, God was musing, "I second that."

As "Father Alex" went waddling and wimpering down the hall, here came O'Hare (!) waddling towards us and saying that he "thought the trial was tomorrow!" (wink wink). O'Hare then proceeded to try provoking me (again) in front of a gathering crowd of his NorCo Courthouse cronies, hoping to Christ that I'd break his jaw in nine different places right there in the NorCo Courthouse-- this being O'Hare's only shot at "winning."

"You're a criminal harasser!!!" O'Hare brayed at me for the benefit of his duped audience.

To which I calmly replied, "not anymore, I'm not."

Thank you for clearing my good name, Judge Baratta, by reversing, overturning, and dismissing all the phony charges against me.

Readers, everything in Bernie O'Hare's totally bogus, private "criminal" (wink wink) complaint against me was either a gross misrepresentation or a flat-out lie (we can prove it), and it's against the law to lie on a sworn affidavit-- even if you're an already disbarred and disgraced "lawyer" like O'Hare is.

Stay tuned, as we now switch from winning defense to winning offense and go after evil sadist hate blogger Bernie O'Hare (legally) w/ both barrels.


Bill Villa Cleared of Bernie O'Hare's Bogus "Harassment" Charges

Read > Related Story

[1/6/10 UpDate] It took Northampton County Court of Common Pleas Judge Stephen G. Baratta approximately 20 seconds this morning to toss Bernie O'Hare's phony "harassment" charges against me (left), thus reversing and overturning the shameful mockery of justice in Wind Gap that was rigged against me last May by O'Hare and crony-crooked District Magistrate Adrianne L. Masut.

O'Hare, knowing he had no chance of prevailing against me and my sharp lawyer ... and not wanting his many NorCo Courthouse cronies to witness his imminent ass-kicking ... was a no-show on purpose. Yep. The O'Hare brand of savvy "legal acumen" (wink wink) strikes again. And sadly, for the second time in as many months, another local bully got his ass whupped in court, liberally, by yours truly, moi. Who's next? Stay tuned.

By far the best line of the 20-second legal massacre belonged to Judge Baratta who, in quizzically noting O'Hare's curious absence from the NorCo Courthouse comically quipped, "Is this the title searcher Bernie O'Hare? Why he's in here all the time!"

Actually, O'Hare was lurking in the building, as was his tragically-duped seminarian acolyte and lapdog Alex Joseph who we caught peeking into Judge Baratta's Courtroom #6.

Dear Readers, I had the extreme pleasure of intercepting "Father Alex," introducing myself to him, shaking his hand from an up-close and personal proximity easily close enough for a concussion-inducing head-butt (had I opted for one), and telling "Father Alex," to his bloated face, that he's "a piece of shit who will burn in hell." Somewhere, God was musing, "I second that."

As "Father Alex" went waddling and wimpering down the hall, here came O'Hare (!) waddling towards us and saying that he "thought the trial was tomorrow!" (wink wink). O'Hare then proceeded to try provoking me (again) in front of a gathering crowd of his NorCo Courthouse cronies, hoping to Christ that I'd break his jaw in nine different places right there in the NorCo Courthouse-- this being O'Hare's only shot at "winning."

"You're a criminal harasser!!!" O'Hare brayed at me for the benefit of his duped audience.

To which I calmly replied, "not anymore, I'm not."

Thank you for clearing my good name, Judge Baratta, by reversing, overturning, and dismissing all the phony charges against me.

Readers, everything in Bernie O'Hare's totally bogus, private "criminal" (wink wink) complaint against me was either a gross misrepresentation or a flat-out lie (we can prove it), and it's against the law to lie on a sworn affidavit-- even if you're an already disbarred and disgraced "lawyer" like O'Hare is.

Stay tuned, as we now switch from winning defense to winning offense and go after evil sadist hate blogger Bernie O'Hare (legally) w/ both barrels.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Autozzzone Update

Today my blogger friend Michael Molovinsky on Allentown writes about Autozone and makes a good point about the issue of property rights. See, but I thought since I got so many (65) comments on this issue that I should post an update.

To be honest, I'm a little tired of Autozone, and the MC is now covering it, since they discovered it is a hot topic. I wrote about it because it is in my neighborhood and I have an interest in the stores/restaurants in the area. Apparently the Zoning Hearing Board denied AZ's request for bigger signs. Also I read in the MC article,0,5668302.story that it might be against the zoning law to have people repairing cars on-site. So I guess they are starting to find some loopholes here, to keep AZ out, but I still believe the city dropped the ball and should have done something sooner.

Here's a stand-out anonymous comment from last week's post:

"The bottom line? The Mayor and his army of well paid staff gave lip service to the kool-aid drinkers in this area and then did absolutely nothing to prevent this type of use in the district. A zoning amendment could have been adopted easily."

If anyone knows anything about zoning amendments, please let me know. In the MC's coverage they don't deal with the question of possible incompetence by the city and the neighborhood group who put up banners declaring this area an arts and theatre district. How about some accountability? Where's that watchdog reporter?

Autozzzone Update

Today my blogger friend Michael Molovinsky on Allentown writes about Autozone and makes a good point about the issue of property rights. See, but I thought since I got so many (65) comments on this issue that I should post an update.

To be honest, I'm a little tired of Autozone, and the MC is now covering it, since they discovered it is a hot topic. I wrote about it because it is in my neighborhood and I have an interest in the stores/restaurants in the area. Apparently the Zoning Hearing Board denied AZ's request for bigger signs. Also I read in the MC article,0,5668302.story that it might be against the zoning law to have people repairing cars on-site. So I guess they are starting to find some loopholes here, to keep AZ out, but I still believe the city dropped the ball and should have done something sooner.

Here's a stand-out anonymous comment from last week's post:

"The bottom line? The Mayor and his army of well paid staff gave lip service to the kool-aid drinkers in this area and then did absolutely nothing to prevent this type of use in the district. A zoning amendment could have been adopted easily."

If anyone knows anything about zoning amendments, please let me know. In the MC's coverage they don't deal with the question of possible incompetence by the city and the neighborhood group who put up banners declaring this area an arts and theatre district. How about some accountability? Where's that watchdog reporter?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

An exciting night of art!

Thanks to everyone who attended the third Allentown Chen-Arts Group (CHARGE) event at Greg Coates studio on Saturday night. What made this event extra special and exciting was that the artists got a chance to share their work. Gracious hosts Greg Coates and his friendly wife Kiki opened their fabulous studio/residence to our group, and I enjoyed every minute of being in this unique environment. Thanks to Kiki for the great tour! We are so fortunate to have Greg and Kiki in Allentown. What they have done with the space is really quite ingenious. Special thanks to Paul Marin for catering the event with delicious and spicy vegan food from Balasia restaurant in Emmaus, 484-330-6405. It was a fabulous spread of unique and healthy dishes. There was plenty of food, and I tried to sample a little bit of each dish.

Sorry I don't have pictures from the event but in attendance were Joyce Marin (Director of Community and Economic Development) Joe Skrapits (Allentown Arts Commission), Pete Lewnes (Main St. Manager) Lee Vedder (Allentown Art Museum) Thank-you all for your support of the arts in Allentown.

Thanks Sarah and Matt for operating the projector. Great job! Thanks artists who showed and discussed their work. Artist Cheryl Hochberg is having a show at e-david gallery in Bethlehem. Zehra Follweiller showed her flash paintings(computer art), Greg showed his abstract paintings and installations , Kim from Brooklyn showed some neat abstract photos, I showed my pop-inspired mixed media work, Songwriter Bill Villa brought a cd of original power pop music by his local band The Villas, Joe Skrapits showed his landscapes and a cityscape, Joe's wife Susan Weaver read haiku poems. Artists Chakaia Booker and Alston (hope I got names correct) were in attendance as well as Panas from the artist group from Emmaus which will be locating in Allentown. And thanks Heather, for speaking about Alfonso's Upward Bound Allentown event.

Hope I did not forget anyone. It was an informative, productive, and happening get together.
We can learn so much just by sharing and listening to each other. Hopefully we can continue to inspire each other in a positive way. It's all good! Pete Lewnes offered his place for our next meeting on Sat. July 26th. See you then. Let me know your ideas about food for the next event.

An exciting night of art!

Thanks to everyone who attended the third Allentown Chen-Arts Group (CHARGE) event at Greg Coates studio on Saturday night. What made this event extra special and exciting was that the artists got a chance to share their work. Gracious hosts Greg Coates and his friendly wife Kiki opened their fabulous studio/residence to our group, and I enjoyed every minute of being in this unique environment. Thanks to Kiki for the great tour! We are so fortunate to have Greg and Kiki in Allentown. What they have done with the space is really quite ingenious. Special thanks to Paul Marin for catering the event with delicious and spicy vegan food from Balasia restaurant in Emmaus, 484-330-6405. It was a fabulous spread of unique and healthy dishes. There was plenty of food, and I tried to sample a little bit of each dish.

Sorry I don't have pictures from the event but in attendance were Joyce Marin (Director of Community and Economic Development) Joe Skrapits (Allentown Arts Commission), Pete Lewnes (Main St. Manager) Lee Vedder (Allentown Art Museum) Thank-you all for your support of the arts in Allentown.

Thanks Sarah and Matt for operating the projector. Great job! Thanks artists who showed and discussed their work. Artist Cheryl Hochberg is having a show at e-david gallery in Bethlehem. Zehra Follweiller showed her flash paintings(computer art), Greg showed his abstract paintings and installations , Kim from Brooklyn showed some neat abstract photos, I showed my pop-inspired mixed media work, Songwriter Bill Villa brought a cd of original power pop music by his local band The Villas, Joe Skrapits showed his landscapes and a cityscape, Joe's wife Susan Weaver read haiku poems. Artists Chakaia Booker and Alston (hope I got names correct) were in attendance as well as Panas from the artist group from Emmaus which will be locating in Allentown. And thanks Heather, for speaking about Alfonso's Upward Bound Allentown event.

Hope I did not forget anyone. It was an informative, productive, and happening get together.
We can learn so much just by sharing and listening to each other. Hopefully we can continue to inspire each other in a positive way. It's all good! Pete Lewnes offered his place for our next meeting on Sat. July 26th. See you then. Let me know your ideas about food for the next event.

Best of the people's blogs II

Here's a shout out to the the voices that matter in the Lehigh Valley, sponsored by Totie Fields. Congrats and many pats on the back to my fellow bloggers.

From Molovinsky on Allentown: "As I drive through town at night I'm constantly fearful of a small child darting out between parked cars. Their parents must be constantly afraid of gunshots and random violence. I wish these children, and their parents could enjoy a bit of serenity, they deserve it. "

From Lehigh Valley Lexicon: "Our downtown is very quiet after 6 p.m. on weeknights or on Sundays. It's tough to find things to do outside traditional corporate hours."

From Lehigh Valley Ramblings: " Back in March, The Morning Call was looking for someone "to act as a zealous crusader for the reader by exposing fraud, inequity, injustice and incompetence in government, institutions, bureaucracies, corporations and business via a twice weekly watch dog column."Gee, I thought they were all supposed to do that. Silly me.

From AJ's Web blog: "Hatred is not aimed just at Allentown as many people like to think - it's aimed at people. The Lehigh Valley as a whole suffers more and more because TMC lacks ethics and morality, but hey, at least they're profiting!"

From LV Ramblings: "I'll be selling kisses and might do a Chippendale routine."

And here's a hot comment from my blog, a special recognition award:

From dedicated first responder Bill Villa:" That's our Morning Call, the Cock of the Walk. [Definition, cock of the walk, noun, a dominating person in any group, esp. an overbearing one]"

Best of the people's blogs II

Here's a shout out to the the voices that matter in the Lehigh Valley, sponsored by Totie Fields. Congrats and many pats on the back to my fellow bloggers.

From Molovinsky on Allentown: "As I drive through town at night I'm constantly fearful of a small child darting out between parked cars. Their parents must be constantly afraid of gunshots and random violence. I wish these children, and their parents could enjoy a bit of serenity, they deserve it. "

From Lehigh Valley Lexicon: "Our downtown is very quiet after 6 p.m. on weeknights or on Sundays. It's tough to find things to do outside traditional corporate hours."

From Lehigh Valley Ramblings: " Back in March, The Morning Call was looking for someone "to act as a zealous crusader for the reader by exposing fraud, inequity, injustice and incompetence in government, institutions, bureaucracies, corporations and business via a twice weekly watch dog column."Gee, I thought they were all supposed to do that. Silly me.

From AJ's Web blog: "Hatred is not aimed just at Allentown as many people like to think - it's aimed at people. The Lehigh Valley as a whole suffers more and more because TMC lacks ethics and morality, but hey, at least they're profiting!"

From LV Ramblings: "I'll be selling kisses and might do a Chippendale routine."

And here's a hot comment from my blog, a special recognition award:

From dedicated first responder Bill Villa:" That's our Morning Call, the Cock of the Walk. [Definition, cock of the walk, noun, a dominating person in any group, esp. an overbearing one]"

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Somewhere over the rainbow

At the end of Tim Russert's Memorial Service the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" was played. While people were leaving they witnessed an actual rainbow outside, and were convinced that Tim had something to do with it. These kinds of magical moments are what make it a little easier to deal with the untimely death of a loved one.

Watching the coverage of this touching memorial service has brought back memories of what it was like when my beautiful step daughter was tragically killed two years ago, by a drunk driver, on her 25th birthday. I don't like to write about it, but for some reason I feel I should.

There were 900 people at her memorial service. My husband was brave enough to get up and speak in front of all those people. My step-daughter was a young person who touched the lives of so many people. She was a popular teacher, a talented performer, an idol and an icon to hundreds of young girls.

We have had some instances of what we believe are signs from beyond, similar to the Tim Russert rainbow. With so much that has been taken away from us, we hang on to those little signs, cherish them, and hold them close. When we were celebrating the 1st anniversary of her death, and her 26th birthday, the family had Chinese food together. We made sure it was from her favorite restaurant. When we opened our fortune cookies, our 6 yr old son got a nice surprise.

The fortune said on one side "Angels are among us; when you find them, cherish their presence everyday." On the other side it said "learn Chinese: Miss You : Xiang-nian-ni" These letters are in my son's name. We believe that this message came from somewhere over the rainbow.
UPDATE: I've added a picture of the heart shape that appeared on the tree after the car crash that killed my step daughter. See comments.

Somewhere over the rainbow

At the end of Tim Russert's Memorial Service the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" was played. While people were leaving they witnessed an actual rainbow outside, and were convinced that Tim had something to do with it. These kinds of magical moments are what make it a little easier to deal with the untimely death of a loved one.

Watching the coverage of this touching memorial service has brought back memories of what it was like when my beautiful step daughter was tragically killed two years ago, by a drunk driver, on her 25th birthday. I don't like to write about it, but for some reason I feel I should.

There were 900 people at her memorial service. My husband was brave enough to get up and speak in front of all those people. My step-daughter was a young person who touched the lives of so many people. She was a popular teacher, a talented performer, an idol and an icon to hundreds of young girls.

We have had some instances of what we believe are signs from beyond, similar to the Tim Russert rainbow. With so much that has been taken away from us, we hang on to those little signs, cherish them, and hold them close. When we were celebrating the 1st anniversary of her death, and her 26th birthday, the family had Chinese food together. We made sure it was from her favorite restaurant. When we opened our fortune cookies, our 6 yr old son got a nice surprise.

The fortune said on one side "Angels are among us; when you find them, cherish their presence everyday." On the other side it said "learn Chinese: Miss You : Xiang-nian-ni" These letters are in my son's name. We believe that this message came from somewhere over the rainbow.
UPDATE: I've added a picture of the heart shape that appeared on the tree after the car crash that killed my step daughter. See comments.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Allentown Chen-Arts at chez Gregory

The new fab, hip, and ultra-chic Allentown Chen-Arts Group (CHARGE) is charging over to artist Greg Coates' cool downtown post-modern studio for an informal artist get together this Sat. June 21 at 6:30 pm.

Bring ten slides of your work to show and share. If you don't have slides, bring jpegs, or photos, video, or the actual work if it's not too big. If you are a musician, bring cd. For those hipsters who just want to make the can wear your art, baby. If you want, bring a bottle of vino to share, or soda, or whatever you like to drink. If you are not on my group e-mail list and would like to attend please let me know, like now.

I have heard that there will be a show of art work by the late Greg Weaver at Hava Java on 19th St. starting this Friday, with an opening on Friday night. So don't miss this, if it happens.
Studio. Gregory Coates.

6:30 pm, Sat. June 21

C.a.N Studio
614 Washington Street
Allentown Pa

UPDATE: Greg Coates has informed me that Paul Marin has graciously offered to cater our event. The food will be Vegan! Sounds great, I can't wait to try something different. Thanks Paul!

Allentown Chen-Arts at chez Gregory

The new fab, hip, and ultra-chic Allentown Chen-Arts Group (CHARGE) is charging over to artist Greg Coates' cool downtown post-modern studio for an informal artist get together this Sat. June 21 at 6:30 pm.

Bring ten slides of your work to show and share. If you don't have slides, bring jpegs, or photos, video, or the actual work if it's not too big. If you are a musician, bring cd. For those hipsters who just want to make the can wear your art, baby. If you want, bring a bottle of vino to share, or soda, or whatever you like to drink. If you are not on my group e-mail list and would like to attend please let me know, like now.

I have heard that there will be a show of art work by the late Greg Weaver at Hava Java on 19th St. starting this Friday, with an opening on Friday night. So don't miss this, if it happens.
Studio. Gregory Coates.

6:30 pm, Sat. June 21

C.a.N Studio
614 Washington Street
Allentown Pa

UPDATE: Greg Coates has informed me that Paul Marin has graciously offered to cater our event. The food will be Vegan! Sounds great, I can't wait to try something different. Thanks Paul!

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Morning Call struts its sensationalism stuff

We lost internet access all day yesterday and last night, so I am kinda behind with posts. But I would just like to say how appalled I am at that headline on the front page of Sat's Morning Crawl. Purely sensational. And students are encouraged to read the newspaper? I shouldn't have to explain this one to my little inquisitive guy.

Rape suspect says penis cast would acquit him

Too big? Lawyer calls Landsdale man 'freak,' says girl's injuries don't match.

PENIS, Page A10,0,1793573.story

What about this poor 13 yr. old girl who was raped? How about her family MC editors, ever think about the family of the victim??

I'm posting about this because I think if we continue to ignore this it will just get worse.

The Morning Call struts its sensationalism stuff

We lost internet access all day yesterday and last night, so I am kinda behind with posts. But I would just like to say how appalled I am at that headline on the front page of Sat's Morning Crawl. Purely sensational. And students are encouraged to read the newspaper? I shouldn't have to explain this one to my little inquisitive guy.

Rape suspect says penis cast would acquit him

Too big? Lawyer calls Landsdale man 'freak,' says girl's injuries don't match.

PENIS, Page A10,0,1793573.story

What about this poor 13 yr. old girl who was raped? How about her family MC editors, ever think about the family of the victim??

I'm posting about this because I think if we continue to ignore this it will just get worse.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dad plays a tune

Happy Father's Day weekend. This is my dad, the youngest of ten children. This photo is from the early 1950's, I believe. Out of the ten children, both the oldest (98 yrs.) and youngest (75 yrs.) are still alive, along with two others. My grandparents both came to the US from Palermo, Sicily. I believe my grandmother was just a teenager when they were married. I never knew my grandparents, they both died when I was a baby. I was named after my grandmother. I was born on Father's Day. Although dad can't read music too well, he's good at improvising. He's probably playing the Tarantella, his way.

Dad plays a tune

Happy Father's Day weekend. This is my dad, the youngest of ten children. This photo is from the early 1950's, I believe. Out of the ten children, both the oldest (98 yrs.) and youngest (75 yrs.) are still alive, along with two others. My grandparents both came to the US from Palermo, Sicily. I believe my grandmother was just a teenager when they were married. I never knew my grandparents, they both died when I was a baby. I was named after my grandmother. I was born on Father's Day. Although dad can't read music too well, he's good at improvising. He's probably playing the Tarantella, his way.

Friday, June 13, 2008

The A-team is mobilized!

For those of you concerned about AutoZone moving in to the "19th St. Theatre District", here's a letter from the mayor telling us what we can do. My question is why did the neighborhood group hang banners declaring the area a theatre and arts district if it is not zoned as such? While I am opposed to AutoZone, by law they are permitted to locate at the former Shanty, and unfortunately it is too late to change the zoning.

To All Concerned:

Thank you for your interest and concern for the development of the 19th street corridor. I share your desire and passion to not see the former Shanty restaurant turned into an Auto Zone. This is an entirely inappropriate use of this site and will the destroy the character and integrity of this blossoming business district.

Over the course of the last several years the ownership of the property has changed several times, The property is now in the hands of a third party who is extremely anxious to sell the property to the first buyer, not necessarily to the most appropriate or compatible buyer for this neighborhood.

Over the course of the last month we have tried desperately to identify and recruit another restaurateur to this property. Such efforts have to date resulted in several tours of the location by potential restaurateurs but no offers have emerged to date. We continue to try to secure a new restaurant for this location and have mobilized the city's entire economic development team for this said purpose.

In regards to zoning. Auto Zone is currently before the zoning board for a sign variance. The city administration has written a letter in opposition to the variance. Unfortunately, our zoning and other laws currently permits such commercial uses on this site. We are working to modify our zoning ordinances, but under state law this property would be grand fathered under our old code. The bottom line is that if they want to go there, the City cannot legally stop an Auto Zone from occupying the former Shanty restaurant property.

While our options for denying this use is limited, you can help us by doing the following:

Contact Auto Zone corporate either by phone or email to voice your concern about placing an Auto Zone in this area and the need for such an entity to respect the neighbors and preserve the integrity and feel of the neighborhood. Below is contact information for the company.

· Primary Investor Relations Contact

Tel: 901.495.7185
Fax: 901.495.8374

Specific Contacts

William C. Rhodes - Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Harry L. Goldsmith, Executive Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel
Lisa R. Kranc - Senior Vice President, Marketing
James A. Shea - Executive Vice President-Merchandising, Marketing and Supply Chain

Mailing Address for aforementioned individuals:

123 South Front Street
Memphis, Tennessee 38103

Primary Corporate Telephone to reach aforementioned individuals:

Tel: (901) 495-6500
Fax: (901) 495.8374

2. Write a letter to the zoning hearing board and request they not approve the sign varience in order to keep the integrity of the neighborhood.

Send letters to:
Allentown Zoning Board
Bureau of Zoning, 4th Floor
435 Hamilton Street
Allentown, PA 18101

3. Plan on attending the next hearing date is Monday, June 23, 2008. My understanding is that there will be no testimony heard, but your presence will speak volumes.

Thank you again for your interest and concern, by working together we will make Allentown a great place to live, work, play and SHOP.
Ed Pawlowski

The A-team is mobilized!

For those of you concerned about AutoZone moving in to the "19th St. Theatre District", here's a letter from the mayor telling us what we can do. My question is why did the neighborhood group hang banners declaring the area a theatre and arts district if it is not zoned as such? While I am opposed to AutoZone, by law they are permitted to locate at the former Shanty, and unfortunately it is too late to change the zoning.

To All Concerned:

Thank you for your interest and concern for the development of the 19th street corridor. I share your desire and passion to not see the former Shanty restaurant turned into an Auto Zone. This is an entirely inappropriate use of this site and will the destroy the character and integrity of this blossoming business district.

Over the course of the last several years the ownership of the property has changed several times, The property is now in the hands of a third party who is extremely anxious to sell the property to the first buyer, not necessarily to the most appropriate or compatible buyer for this neighborhood.

Over the course of the last month we have tried desperately to identify and recruit another restaurateur to this property. Such efforts have to date resulted in several tours of the location by potential restaurateurs but no offers have emerged to date. We continue to try to secure a new restaurant for this location and have mobilized the city's entire economic development team for this said purpose.

In regards to zoning. Auto Zone is currently before the zoning board for a sign variance. The city administration has written a letter in opposition to the variance. Unfortunately, our zoning and other laws currently permits such commercial uses on this site. We are working to modify our zoning ordinances, but under state law this property would be grand fathered under our old code. The bottom line is that if they want to go there, the City cannot legally stop an Auto Zone from occupying the former Shanty restaurant property.

While our options for denying this use is limited, you can help us by doing the following:

Contact Auto Zone corporate either by phone or email to voice your concern about placing an Auto Zone in this area and the need for such an entity to respect the neighbors and preserve the integrity and feel of the neighborhood. Below is contact information for the company.

· Primary Investor Relations Contact

Tel: 901.495.7185
Fax: 901.495.8374

Specific Contacts

William C. Rhodes - Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Harry L. Goldsmith, Executive Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel
Lisa R. Kranc - Senior Vice President, Marketing
James A. Shea - Executive Vice President-Merchandising, Marketing and Supply Chain

Mailing Address for aforementioned individuals:

123 South Front Street
Memphis, Tennessee 38103

Primary Corporate Telephone to reach aforementioned individuals:

Tel: (901) 495-6500
Fax: (901) 495.8374

2. Write a letter to the zoning hearing board and request they not approve the sign varience in order to keep the integrity of the neighborhood.

Send letters to:
Allentown Zoning Board
Bureau of Zoning, 4th Floor
435 Hamilton Street
Allentown, PA 18101

3. Plan on attending the next hearing date is Monday, June 23, 2008. My understanding is that there will be no testimony heard, but your presence will speak volumes.

Thank you again for your interest and concern, by working together we will make Allentown a great place to live, work, play and SHOP.
Ed Pawlowski

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What's next, faux Mom?

I just read in today's am magazine that local restaurants are providing "mom's cooking, to go." It's the new trend, to suit today's busy lifestyle.,0,2497475.story

For those busy moms on the go who don't have time to prepare a meal for their family, now they can just drive up to an area restaurant, even every day of the week, to pick up dinner. And the article claims it is not that expensive because there is no tipping or drinks! Well, I'd like to debate that. Maybe it's less expensive than actually dining out at a restaurant, but smart moms who take the time to make thrifty and fast meals will tell you that you can really stretch a buck if you want to, and be creative at the same time. I can do a lot of things with a $2.85 pound of 75% ground beef.

It's not that difficult to prepare a home cooked meal, made with mom's love, in 10-20 minutes. Even if you work full time, it is possible. Plus, it's good for your marriage because most hubsters really appreciate a home-made meal even if it's just a sandwich. Men are really quite easy to please and require two things: food and ....... well you can use your imagination for the second thing. ; D Here's a hint, it's not "stimulating conversation." (sorry feminists, I'm just kidding!). But, I think if both husband and wife work, then the husband should help with meals too, and dishes.

I like to be creative with sandwich making. We eat a lot of sandwiches. But I try to make them more interesting by adding blue cheese, bacon, fancy dressings, pickles, tomatoes, red onion, grey poupon, avocado, etc. And I toast the bread. It only takes 10 minutes. Add a can of soup, and voila!

Bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches are quick too, and a fave in our house. I have to try to please a fussy 6 year old. There is so much more, I won't bore you, but I worry if we now have faux mom's cooking, and a faux downtown for shopping, what's next, faux mom? Faux love?

What's next, faux Mom?

I just read in today's am magazine that local restaurants are providing "mom's cooking, to go." It's the new trend, to suit today's busy lifestyle.,0,2497475.story

For those busy moms on the go who don't have time to prepare a meal for their family, now they can just drive up to an area restaurant, even every day of the week, to pick up dinner. And the article claims it is not that expensive because there is no tipping or drinks! Well, I'd like to debate that. Maybe it's less expensive than actually dining out at a restaurant, but smart moms who take the time to make thrifty and fast meals will tell you that you can really stretch a buck if you want to, and be creative at the same time. I can do a lot of things with a $2.85 pound of 75% ground beef.

It's not that difficult to prepare a home cooked meal, made with mom's love, in 10-20 minutes. Even if you work full time, it is possible. Plus, it's good for your marriage because most hubsters really appreciate a home-made meal even if it's just a sandwich. Men are really quite easy to please and require two things: food and ....... well you can use your imagination for the second thing. ; D Here's a hint, it's not "stimulating conversation." (sorry feminists, I'm just kidding!). But, I think if both husband and wife work, then the husband should help with meals too, and dishes.

I like to be creative with sandwich making. We eat a lot of sandwiches. But I try to make them more interesting by adding blue cheese, bacon, fancy dressings, pickles, tomatoes, red onion, grey poupon, avocado, etc. And I toast the bread. It only takes 10 minutes. Add a can of soup, and voila!

Bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches are quick too, and a fave in our house. I have to try to please a fussy 6 year old. There is so much more, I won't bore you, but I worry if we now have faux mom's cooking, and a faux downtown for shopping, what's next, faux mom? Faux love?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Let us not fret over Paul Carpenter's past performance

This is in response to PC's Sunday column, "Let us not fret over the ASD's past performance.",0,1197011.column (I know the ASD has its problems and I am not real happy either, but there ARE good kids and good teachers.)

There are no comments at the forum, which tells me that people just don't bother anymore because PC is just so predictable and boring. Or, the powers that be are not allowing comments. Why am I giving him any time or thought at all? I don't know.

You are so right PC, nobody likes a party pooper. Everyone hates people who try to rain on other people's parades. Therefore, I have decided to say nothing but nice things about your opinion of the ASD and public education.

Here are some ideas for future awards in excellence in journalism (education issues), for columnist Paul Carpenter. Let's think "happy thoughts." ;D

1. The Lunk Head Award- for his support of and compassion for special ed and special needs students. (Applause)

2. The Ed Frills Award- for encouraging and recognizing the importance of the arts in education (Applause)

3. The Rotten Apple Award- for supporting public school teachers and acknowledging their importance to society. (Applause)

4. The Morning Crawl Moral Compasshole Award- For ethics in journalism (Rousing Applause)
PC you rule! ;D

(editor's note: writer is a former ASD art teacher.)

Let us not fret over Paul Carpenter's past performance

This is in response to PC's Sunday column, "Let us not fret over the ASD's past performance.",0,1197011.column (I know the ASD has its problems and I am not real happy either, but there ARE good kids and good teachers.)

There are no comments at the forum, which tells me that people just don't bother anymore because PC is just so predictable and boring. Or, the powers that be are not allowing comments. Why am I giving him any time or thought at all? I don't know.

You are so right PC, nobody likes a party pooper. Everyone hates people who try to rain on other people's parades. Therefore, I have decided to say nothing but nice things about your opinion of the ASD and public education.

Here are some ideas for future awards in excellence in journalism (education issues), for columnist Paul Carpenter. Let's think "happy thoughts." ;D

1. The Lunk Head Award- for his support of and compassion for special ed and special needs students. (Applause)

2. The Ed Frills Award- for encouraging and recognizing the importance of the arts in education (Applause)

3. The Rotten Apple Award- for supporting public school teachers and acknowledging their importance to society. (Applause)

4. The Morning Crawl Moral Compasshole Award- For ethics in journalism (Rousing Applause)
PC you rule! ;D

(editor's note: writer is a former ASD art teacher.)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Would YOU Choose Hillary?

If you were Barack Obama would you choose Hillary Clinton as your running mate? I have been thinking a lot about this and discussing it with my soul-mate. We both like Jim Webb, junior senator from Virginia, and think he would be a good choice for VP. But I haven't really decided.

I am worried that if Obama doesn't choose Hillary, the women who supported Hillary would vote for McCain, because they are just so pissed off. Or, maybe they won't. But I think Hillary really has no choice and has to campaign for Obama, whether he picks her or not, if she wants a future in Democrat party politics. She has to look like a team player and not an opportunist. Or a sore loser. As a result, Obama does not have to pick Hillary. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free (sorry feminists). Would YOU choose Hillary?

Would YOU Choose Hillary?

If you were Barack Obama would you choose Hillary Clinton as your running mate? I have been thinking a lot about this and discussing it with my soul-mate. We both like Jim Webb, junior senator from Virginia, and think he would be a good choice for VP. But I haven't really decided.

I am worried that if Obama doesn't choose Hillary, the women who supported Hillary would vote for McCain, because they are just so pissed off. Or, maybe they won't. But I think Hillary really has no choice and has to campaign for Obama, whether he picks her or not, if she wants a future in Democrat party politics. She has to look like a team player and not an opportunist. Or a sore loser. As a result, Obama does not have to pick Hillary. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free (sorry feminists). Would YOU choose Hillary?

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sometimes you have to look back to move forward

I recently found this weirdo painting at my parents' house. I think I did it in the 80's while listening to REM and trying to make sense of the lyrics. Waste of time. But back then I had a lot of time to waste. I don't remember much about this piece, other than it's Queen Victoria with some kinda symbols from Dutch 17th Century Vanitas still-life painting, a la Andy Warhol repetition. Gee, I used to be so deep, but now I don't take myself that seriously. It needs to be touched up cause it got damaged. Seems like nobody really cared about it. And that's just how I felt back then after my first "love" dumped me for some vacuous blonde.

Puzzles from the past. It's June, and as another birthday looms, I realize I may need reading glasses. Can't read the fine print. Trying to make sense of things again. Wish I had more time to waste. The Shanty's not coming back. Neither is Saylor's. But at least there's Hersh's! And I just heard from Katie Bee that Hava Java on 19th St. will be having art shows. Starting June 12. See LV Voice for more info
The first show will feature the work of legendary local artist Greg Weaver, who started an art scene in Allentown in the 70's. This is great news, and I will be posting about it when I get more info. Obama gives me hope. Let's be civil, but let's not take any BS. So........... get outta the way of MY weekend. It's gonna be hot.

Sometimes you have to look back to move forward

I recently found this weirdo painting at my parents' house. I think I did it in the 80's while listening to REM and trying to make sense of the lyrics. Waste of time. But back then I had a lot of time to waste. I don't remember much about this piece, other than it's Queen Victoria with some kinda symbols from Dutch 17th Century Vanitas still-life painting, a la Andy Warhol repetition. Gee, I used to be so deep, but now I don't take myself that seriously. It needs to be touched up cause it got damaged. Seems like nobody really cared about it. And that's just how I felt back then after my first "love" dumped me for some vacuous blonde.

Puzzles from the past. It's June, and as another birthday looms, I realize I may need reading glasses. Can't read the fine print. Trying to make sense of things again. Wish I had more time to waste. The Shanty's not coming back. Neither is Saylor's. But at least there's Hersh's! And I just heard from Katie Bee that Hava Java on 19th St. will be having art shows. Starting June 12. See LV Voice for more info
The first show will feature the work of legendary local artist Greg Weaver, who started an art scene in Allentown in the 70's. This is great news, and I will be posting about it when I get more info. Obama gives me hope. Let's be civil, but let's not take any BS. So........... get outta the way of MY weekend. It's gonna be hot.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Fellini and Fenders

Scott Armstrong at the Allentown Commentator message board has posted some info regarding the vacant Shanty Restaurant, once a popular nightspot, restaurant, and venue for local bands in "The 19th St. Theatre District." According to Scott, the iconic Shanty on "La strada 19th" will become Les Auto Parts Centre. Is this really a done deal?

If it is true, how tres' chic for our upscale boutique and theatre distreect! But those new banners that mark the area may have to be changed to say "Theatre and Auto District." Hey folks, drop your car off for an oil, lube and filter while taking in a foreign film at the historic 19th St. Theatre. We specialize in foreign cars. The city can market this as "Fellini and Fenders." It's so European. I must commend the city for this multicultural and surrealistic vision. This really does show the importance of the arts in Allentown's Renaissance. Or, maybe I'm just dreaming too. Nothing really makes sense to me anymore. C'est la vie!

Fellini and Fenders

Scott Armstrong at the Allentown Commentator message board has posted some info regarding the vacant Shanty Restaurant, once a popular nightspot, restaurant, and venue for local bands in "The 19th St. Theatre District." According to Scott, the iconic Shanty on "La strada 19th" will become Les Auto Parts Centre. Is this really a done deal?

If it is true, how tres' chic for our upscale boutique and theatre distreect! But those new banners that mark the area may have to be changed to say "Theatre and Auto District." Hey folks, drop your car off for an oil, lube and filter while taking in a foreign film at the historic 19th St. Theatre. We specialize in foreign cars. The city can market this as "Fellini and Fenders." It's so European. I must commend the city for this multicultural and surrealistic vision. This really does show the importance of the arts in Allentown's Renaissance. Or, maybe I'm just dreaming too. Nothing really makes sense to me anymore. C'est la vie!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

It's a Downtown Happening!

These are pictures from the Chen-Arts Group Meeting held at House of Chen Restaurant in Allentown on Sat. May 31. Thanks Jenny Chen and staff for accomodating our large group. Twenty-eight supporters of the arts in Allentown attended the fun and productive meeting. Thanks to Lee Vedder from the Allentown Art Museum, Joyce Marin Director of Economic and Community Development, Joe Skrapits, Joan Gaydos, Sharon Glassman (AllentownArts Commission)
Pete Lewnes Main St. Manager, Alfonso Todd community activist, and most importantly all the artists. Artist Gregory Coates has volunteered to sponsor our next meeting at his fab studio on Washington St. Details to follow. Let's keep the ball rollin.'

UPDATE: correction: 29 people attended!