Thursday, November 11, 2010

DA Jim Martin's Petty Payback Backfires

Martin's Motive: I outmaneuvered DA Jim Martin (and The Morning Call "newspaper") and got a table scrap of justice for the connected killer of my daughter Sheena. This really pissed them off.

Martin's Means: Abusing the power of his office as he routinely does, Jim Martin arranged for totally bogus criminal charges to be approved against me by the office of Martin's longtime pal, PA State Attorney General, and now Governor, Tom Corbett. Miraculously, Martin's petty payback backfired and justice prevailed.

Martin's Cover: If DA Jim Martin driving drunk and w/ a car-full of hookers crashed and took out the entire first floor of the Butz Building at 9th & Hamilton, The Morning Call's headline would be: "DA Martin Cracks Prostitution Ring." An exaggeration? We think not. Scour The Morning Call archives as we have, and if you can find a "news" article even remotely negative or critical of DA Jim Martin, we'll give you a free Villas CD. The lengths to which The Morning Call "newspaper" goes to purposefully look the other way on DA Jim Martin's crookedness and incompetence is truly something to behold.



Game On.

Essential Reading > WHY WE FIGHT

DA Jim Martin's Petty Payback Backfires

Martin's Motive: I outmaneuvered DA Jim Martin (and The Morning Call "newspaper") and got a table scrap of justice for the connected killer of my daughter Sheena. This really pissed them off.

Martin's Means: Abusing the power of his office as he routinely does, Jim Martin arranged for totally bogus criminal charges to be approved against me by the office of Martin's longtime pal, PA State Attorney General, and now Governor, Tom Corbett. Miraculously, Martin's petty payback backfired and justice prevailed.

Martin's Cover: If DA Jim Martin driving drunk and w/ a car-full of hookers crashed and took out the entire first floor of the Butz Building at 9th & Hamilton, The Morning Call's headline would be: "DA Martin Cracks Prostitution Ring." An exaggeration? We think not. Scour The Morning Call archives as we have, and if you can find a "news" article even remotely negative or critical of DA Jim Martin, we'll give you a free Villas CD. The lengths to which The Morning Call "newspaper" goes to purposefully look the other way on DA Jim Martin's crookedness and incompetence is truly something to behold.



Game On.

Essential Reading > WHY WE FIGHT

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We Delete "Anonymous" Defilers

Readers, whenever you see this notification in a comment thread at LVS:

"Comment deleted
This post has been removed by a blog administrator"

... it's oftentimes there to (legally) mark a vile "anonymous" comment we've received and have chosen to publish and immediately delete. Most we never publish.

Some of the deleted comments are along the lines of the comment we are re-printing "FYI" below here, and which is curiously and frequently referenced by Lehigh County Democratic Party committee "man" from Trexlertown, Chris Casey, elsewhere in our local blogosphere.

Casey seems curiously attached to and proud of this comment, and he has signed his name to similar blog comments. This particular comment was originally posted here at LVS ("anonymously") and was subsequently re-posted ("anonymously") at the blog of Allentown City Council vice president (for now) "W" Mike Donovan (we have hard copy).

As was reported on by 69 News, this comment was one of the comments that Cedar Crest College ethics professor "W" Mike Donovan declared at his blog was "fun to read."


"Anonymous" said...
You are one sick Mother. What do you do,keep your daughter's dead body in the basement so you can whore it around like a trophy? You oughta call this the How I whore my dead daughter blog. I bet you masterbate on her everytime you mention the name of one of your enemies. You and your wife are two of the sickest fucks I have ever read. Get some help. Fri Jan 08, 02:59:00 PM 2010


Dear Readers, we mention this only to correct any misconceptions that we are "muzzling dissent" here at LVS when we delete a comment. We're not. We publish all comments that aren't defiling us, or our already painful enough loss.

Thanks for understanding.

UpDate > Stalker Threats Against Villas Escalate

We Delete "Anonymous" Defilers

Readers, whenever you see this notification in a comment thread at LVS:

"Comment deleted
This post has been removed by a blog administrator"

... it's oftentimes there to (legally) mark a vile "anonymous" comment we've received and have chosen to publish and immediately delete. Most we never publish.

Some of the deleted comments are along the lines of the comment we are re-printing "FYI" below here, and which is curiously and frequently referenced by Lehigh County Democratic Party committee "man" from Trexlertown, Chris Casey, elsewhere in our local blogosphere.
Casey seems curiously attached to and proud of this comment, and he has signed his name to similar blog comments. This particular comment was originally posted here at LVS ("anonymously") and was subsequently re-posted ("anonymously") at the blog of Allentown City Council vice president (for now) "W" Mike Donovan (we have hard copy).
As was reported on by 69 News, this comment was one of the comments that Cedar Crest College ethics professor "W" Mike Donovan declared at his blog was "fun to read."


"Anonymous" said...
You are one sick Mother. What do you do,keep your daughter's dead body in the basement so you can whore it around like a trophy? You oughta call this the How I whore my dead daughter blog. I bet you masterbate on her everytime you mention the name of one of your enemies. You and your wife are two of the sickest fucks I have ever read. Get some help. Fri Jan 08, 02:59:00 PM 2010


Dear Readers, we mention this only to correct any misconceptions that we are "muzzling dissent" here at LVS when we delete a comment. We're not. We publish all comments that aren't defiling us, or our already painful enough loss.
Thanks for understanding.
UpDate > Stalker Threats Against Villas Escalate

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Will Tom Corbett "Tap" DA Jim (hiccup) Martin as Temporary Attorney General?

Readers, although our blogosphere's local "media critic" Muhlenberg College's Doctor Jeff Pooley PhD curiously has nothing to say on this one, I can't help but notice ...

There's absolutely no "story" in
John Micek's Morning Call "story" on who may succeed Tom Corbett as temporary PA State Attorney General.

John Micek's spin/weave is all hearsay and gossip based on, "according to one observer," who is not named. [Note: Micek mentions a Morning Call-affiliated Muhlenberg College political science crony and pollster three-quarters of the way down the page later ... is this John Micek's "one observer?" It's skillfully unclear].

Is Micek's "one observer" Jim Martin?

Even creepier is that via Micek's "tribute" (tax deductible?), DA Jim Martin did not have to spend one reelection campaign dollar to get his picture on the front page of the online "newspaper" for 36 hours in an election year for him. Jesus. Only in ALLENTOWN.

Here's my informed opinion on John Micek's ludicrously transparent, kiss-blowing and ass-kissing article on DA Jim Martin in Saturday's "newspaper" ...

There's no way Jim Martin is gonna drag his Fat 'N Boozy ass to Harrisburg for 2 years to
"keep the seat warm" in the PA State Attorney General's office. What dutiful sellout John Micek and Martin's Morning Call "newspaper" drinking buddies are doing here is blowing smoke up the depends-laden derrieres of their geriatric (super voter) readers so when Martin "opts" to stay here and "run" (unopposed again?) for another term as DA he looks like a champ for having unselfishly "chosen" Lehigh County over Harrisburg and any personal political ambitions-- as if Jimbo has any ambition beyond not falling off the bar stool at the Hogan's Club.

I (respectfully) tried to post my opinion on all this in a comment at John Micek's Morning Call online article but my signed comment was deleted repeatedly. Apparently there are no "under-staffed" problems at the "newspaper" when it comes to muzzling Bill Villa, even on a weekend.

One thing I do know (first-hand) that is absolutely true in John Micek's article: Tom Corbett and Jim Martin are "longtime friends." And friends will sometimes do anything for each other.

Recently, John Micek went on record saying he's investigating whether Tom Corbett and Jim Martin engaged in collusion against me.

But then Micek curiously and inexplicably disappeared.

Come back John, I'd be happy to be a named source for you on crooked and incompetent Lehigh County DA Jim Martin.

Dr. Pooley ... your "thoughts?"

Will Tom Corbett "Tap" DA Jim (hiccup) Martin as Temporary Attorney General?

Readers, although our blogosphere's local "media critic" Muhlenberg College's Doctor Jeff Pooley PhD curiously has nothing to say on this one, I can't help but notice ...

There's absolutely no "story" in
John Micek's Morning Call "story" on who may succeed Tom Corbett as temporary PA State Attorney General.

John Micek's spin/weave is all hearsay and gossip based on, "according to one observer," who is not named. [Note: Micek mentions a Morning Call-affiliated Muhlenberg College political science crony and pollster three-quarters of the way down the page later ... is this John Micek's "one observer?" It's skillfully unclear].

Is Micek's "one observer" Jim Martin?

Even creepier is that via Micek's "tribute" (tax deductible?), DA Jim Martin did not have to spend one reelection campaign dollar to get his picture on the front page of the online "newspaper" for 36 hours in an election year for him. Jesus. Only in ALLENTOWN.

Here's my informed opinion on John Micek's ludicrously transparent, kiss-blowing and ass-kissing article on DA Jim Martin in Saturday's "newspaper" ...

There's no way Jim Martin is gonna drag his Fat 'N Boozy ass to Harrisburg for 2 years to
"keep the seat warm" in the PA State Attorney General's office. What dutiful sellout John Micek and Martin's Morning Call "newspaper" drinking buddies are doing here is blowing smoke up the depends-laden derrieres of their geriatric (super voter) readers so when Martin "opts" to stay here and "run" (unopposed again?) for another term as DA he looks like a champ for having unselfishly "chosen" Lehigh County over Harrisburg and any personal political ambitions-- as if Jimbo has any ambition beyond not falling off the bar stool at the Hogan's Club.

I (respectfully) tried to post my opinion on all this in a comment at John Micek's Morning Call online article but my signed comment was deleted repeatedly. Apparently there are no "under-staffed" problems at the "newspaper" when it comes to muzzling Bill Villa, even on a weekend.

One thing I do know (first-hand) that is absolutely true in John Micek's article: Tom Corbett and Jim Martin are "longtime friends." And friends will sometimes do anything for each other.

Recently, John Micek went on record saying he's investigating whether Tom Corbett and Jim Martin engaged in collusion against me.

But then Micek curiously and inexplicably disappeared.

Come back John, I'd be happy to be a named source for you on crooked and incompetent Lehigh County DA Jim Martin.

Dr. Pooley ... your "thoughts?"