Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Hypocrisy of Rick Daugherty, Mike Donovan, and the O'Hare-Duped Dunce Dems

If you're among the thousands of Lehigh County voters who have been following the previous three posts here at LVS, you know that Team Rick Daugherty/Bernie O'Hare recently rejected my offer to help them beat crooked and (hiccup) incompetent Lehigh County DA Jim Martin in the 2011 election.

Because of the Lehigh County Democratic Party's shameful history of apathy, incompetence, and fear of Jim Martin, and its dismal failure to produce a challenger candidate, DA Jim Martin ran unopposed in both the 2007, and the 2003, "elections." And w/ the local Dems obviously not serious about finding a candidate to oppose Martin in 2011, it's looking like an unopposed 3-peat cruise-in-progress for "Jumbo Jimbo" (left), pictured w/ O'Hare-Duped Dunce Dem and Lehigh County Executive (for now) Don Cunning-Ham.

Curiously, the reason given by the local Dems for their ostracizing and muzzling of me is because I "bash Democrats" (e.g., Mike Donovan, pictured above) at this blog ... which I've tried to explain ... to deaf (and dumb) ears. And of course we don't see it as "bashing." Like most people w/ a brain (and a conscience) we see it as a civic-minded "calling out" of those O'Hare-Duped Dunce Democrats who enable and legitimize a "man" (wink wink) who takes great pleasure in emotionally cyber-torturing already suffering, grief-stricken families. And O'Hare hails and spews lies from Northampton County it should be noted, not Lehigh County.

Although The Morning Call "newspaper" has (in the past) briefly glossed over O'Hare's history of sadistic emotional torture, these days the "newspaper" features and favors O'Hare (and Donovan) as part of its "Valley Blogosphere" cooperative of local bloggers, ensuring a closed loop of crony cozy coverage for select shameless local politico publicity whores of both parties.

The three Lehigh County Dems most guilty of the social conscience transgressions of granting O'Hare interviews, access, and public interaction are Allentown City Council members (for now) Mike Donovan and Mike Schlossberg and Lehigh County Executive (just barely) Don Cunning-Ham. We'll continue calling out these O'Hare-Duped Dunce Dems here at LVS.

And get this, on the subject of "bashing" (and this is the hypocrisy part), apparently it's perfectly A-OK by the local Dems for their Allentown City Council Vice President (for now) Mike Donovan to bash me, at his blog. Yep. This is not a problem.

As was pointed out by an LVS commenter this week ...

The City Official said...

" ... here's Allentown City Council Vice President and "Democrat" (wink wink) Michael Donovan hosting a blog that's enabling and encouraging taunting provocations of the Villas.

Donovan claims in his blog's header that he is
"exploring the options for mutual respect," see if you agree ...

Michael Donovan's "Inclusion"

Anonymous said...
" ... maybe Villa will take the "Villa Pledge" and do the city a favor and run for City Council next year. We need the entertainment of an actual ASSHOLE running for office." -March 1, 2010 6:51 PM

Anonymous said...
" ... Villa, You are the professional Asshole. You have set a bar so high no one can dream to touch it. Be Proud, Asshole of Assholes ... you stand for just being an ASSHOLE." -March 2, 2010 7:53 PM

Anonymous said...
"At their Mayfair Concert, The Villas plan to perform their version of the Denis Leary Hit "Cuz I'm an Asshole." -March 3, 2010 5:48 AM

Note: Michael Donovan's "Inclusion" blog draws its inspiration from another local blog dedicated to harassing the Villas, the Bernie O'Hare/Dave Najarian co-created "Troll Parade" blog. -Wed Mar 03, 07:16:00 PM 2010

And this isn't the first time Mike Donovan has enabled and encouraged a free-for-all bashing of the Villas, check out Donovan's post (and all the comments) entitled, "A Statement."

Readers, as you can see at Donovan's blog, and as I have pointed out to Councilor Donovan in three unrequited emails so far (the last one cc'd to Team Daugherty/O'Hare), there's an anonymous commenter at Donovan's blog attempting to engage Councilor Donovan. This commenter has an excellent question that deserves to be answered by Councilor Donovan.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Donovan, the comments here [at your blog] that are needlessly disparaging grieving father and political activist Bill Villa ...

is this what you consider a "civil" discussion based on "mutual respect?" -March 4, 2010 9:28 AM

Update: Allentown City Council VP (for now) Michael Donovan hosts, enables, and encourages an all new, 100-comment, libel-loaded Team O'Hare cyber bullying gang-up against The Villas. Sadly, it was yet another losing effort.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

LVS Comment of the Week Award


My Take...

The combination of Rick Daugherty Chairing the party and O'Hare doing the "public relations" resulted in Lehigh County's (formerly) most popular Democrat [Don Cunning-Ham] just barely avoiding the unemployment line last November. Breathtaking was this, in its stupifying display of incompetence. Heck, there's no telling what Team Daugherty/O'Hare is capable of accomplishing together in the future.

Over & Out...

Wed Mar 03, 05:58:00 PM 2010

LVS Comment of the Week Award


My Take...

The combination of Rick Daugherty Chairing the party and O'Hare doing the "public relations" resulted in Lehigh County's (formerly) most popular Democrat [Don Cunning-Ham] just barely avoiding the unemployment line last November. Breathtaking was this, in its stupifying display of incompetence. Heck, there's no telling what Team Daugherty/O'Hare is capable of accomplishing together in the future.

Over & Out...

Wed Mar 03, 05:58:00 PM 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Email, Outgoing, to Rick Daugherty

On Mar 2, 2010, at 3:41:51 PM, Bill Villa wrote:

Rick .. local blogger Bernie O'Hare has been emotionally cyber-torturing my wife and me for nearly 2 years.

We recently filed suit against O'Hare in Lehigh County, charging him with Malicious Prosecution, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, and Libel.

Not coincidentally, O'Hare was disbarred in 1986 for emotionally torturing his own African-American civil rights client for 2 years.

Yes, it's true, we "bash some Democrats" at our blog (we bash some Republicans too) ... i.e., those, like Michael Donovan, Mike Schlossberg, and Don Cunningham, who enable and legitimize O'Hare via participation at O'Hare's snake pit of a blog.

It would be incredibly short-sighted and counter-productive for the local Democratic party to exclude me from the process of attempting to defeat Jim Martin.

I have every right to publicly criticize Michael Donovan, Mike Schlossberg, and Don Cunningham for allying with a Northampton County hate blogger who is cyber bullying a grief-stricken Lehigh County family ... mine. So please try to get over this, and stop holding my rights of free speech against me; that's a very unbecoming thing for Democrats to be doing.

And frankly, you need me ... if you're seriously entertaining the daunting task of de-throning power-entrenched Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin.

I'm expecting you to change your mind(s) about your refusal to meet with me.

And I'm expecting you to stop keeping me waiting on this ... as you've insulted me enough already.

Patiently (for now) awaiting your expeditious reply.


Bill Villa

UpDate: Rick Daugherty "responds" ...

On Mar 2, 2010, at 7:20:48 PM, Rick Daugherty wrote:


No insults were intended by this decision. I am sorry if you feel that way.



Lehigh County Democrat said...

My Take...

The combination of Rick Daugherty Chairing the party and O'Hare doing the "public relations" resulted in Lehigh County's
(formerly) most popular Democrat [Don Cunning-Ham] just barely avoiding the unemployment line last November. Breathtaking was this, in its stupifying display of incompetence. Heck, there's no telling what Team Daugherty/O'Hare is capable of accomplishing together in the future.

Over & Out...

Wed Mar 03, 05:58:00 PM 2010

Email, Outgoing, to Rick Daugherty

On Mar 2, 2010, at 3:41:51 PM, Bill Villa wrote:

Rick .. local blogger Bernie O'Hare has been emotionally cyber-torturing my wife and me for nearly 2 years.

We recently filed suit against O'Hare in Lehigh County, charging him with Malicious Prosecution, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, and Libel.

Not coincidentally, O'Hare was disbarred in 1986 for emotionally torturing his own African-American civil rights client for 2 years.

Yes, it's true, we "bash some Democrats" at our blog (we bash some Republicans too) ... i.e., those, like Michael Donovan, Mike Schlossberg, and Don Cunningham, who enable and legitimize O'Hare via participation at O'Hare's snake pit of a blog.

It would be incredibly short-sighted and counter-productive for the local Democratic party to exclude me from the process of attempting to defeat Jim Martin.

I have every right to publicly criticize Michael Donovan, Mike Schlossberg, and Don Cunningham for allying with a Northampton County hate blogger who is cyber bullying a grief-stricken Lehigh County family ... mine. So please try to get over this, and stop holding my rights of free speech against me; that's a very unbecoming thing for Democrats to be doing.

And frankly, you need me ... if you're seriously entertaining the daunting task of de-throning power-entrenched Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin.

I'm expecting you to change your mind(s) about your refusal to meet with me.

And I'm expecting you to stop keeping me waiting on this ... as you've insulted me enough already.

Patiently (for now) awaiting your expeditious reply.


Bill Villa

UpDate: Rick Daugherty "responds" ...

On Mar 2, 2010, at 7:20:48 PM, Rick Daugherty wrote:


No insults were intended by this decision. I am sorry if you feel that way.



Lehigh County Democrat said...

My Take...

The combination of Rick Daugherty Chairing the party and O'Hare doing the "public relations" resulted in Lehigh County's
(formerly) most popular Democrat [Don Cunning-Ham] just barely avoiding the unemployment line last November. Breathtaking was this, in its stupifying display of incompetence. Heck, there's no telling what Team Daugherty/O'Hare is capable of accomplishing together in the future.

Over & Out...

Wed Mar 03, 05:58:00 PM 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Local Dems Not Serious About De-Throning DA Jim Martin

So ... I had been planning on calling Rick Daugherty last night anyway, to find out if the Lehigh County Democratic Party Officers had approved my "request" (and really, it was an "offer") to meet with them regarding how to beat crooked and (hiccup) incompetent DA Jim Martin in the 2011 election ... when suddenly ... this taunting anonymous comment appeared in our blog's in-box at 7:47pm ...

"Gee, to bad the demos turned you down and your won't be speaking to the officers. Oh well"

Hmm. Could this taunting anon know something I don't know yet? I called Rick Daugherty and sure enough ...

"The Lehigh County Democratic Party Executive Committee has turned down your request to meet with the Officers," Chair Rick Daugherty told me. Rick then said he was "sorry" for not calling me after the decision was handed down (i.e., rigged & rendered) on Monday night ... 3 days prior. Guess I wasn't much of a priority for Rick. Oh well.

Apparently though, someone from the Democratic Party Executive Committee was thoughtful enough to inform at least one person of its decision to deny & muzzle me-- that person being last night's taunting anonymous commenter from Team O'Hare who was, quite apparently, "in" on the decision. Our guess is that the taunting anon was probably O'Hare acolyte and "connected" (wink wink) perennial Dem candidate wanna-be loser Chris Casey who is a frequent taunting anonymous commenter here at LVS and who also has a documented history of sinking ships w/ his loose lips. Our guess on who led the charge against me among the Executive Committee Dems would be either or both of two well-known evil sadist shit-lovers and fawning fans of O'Hare on the Executive Committee, Pete Wernsdorfer and Mike Schlossberg. Just hunches, of course.

The reason Rick Daugherty gave for my denial & muzzling is "because you bash Democrats at your blog."

Well .. ya got me there, Rick.

We do indeed bash some Democrats (and some Republicans) at this blog-- in fact, in a bipartisan spirit, we bash all local politicos who ally w/ and enable the sadistically cruel and libelous provocations that are perpetrated against my grieving family by evil sadist hate blogger and lawsuit defendant Bernie O'Hare.

The richly deserving bashee Democrats who all worship regularly at the altar of O'Hare are Allentown City Council members Mike Donovan and Mike Schlossberg, Lehigh County Executive Don Cunning-Ham, and pusillanimous fellow faux dems Jeff Pooley and Geoff Brace (left).

Rick Daugherty, taking a page from the Jeff Pooley Playbook, claimed he "didn't know anything about" the shameful behavior of O'Hare-Duped Dunces like Allentown City Council VP (for now) and "first wave" subpoena recipient Mike Donovan, however, and again straight from the Pooley Playbook, Daugherty accepted as Gospel whatever character assassinations were hurled at moi by Executive Committee members "in the know" (wink wink) on the blog wars. And that's how things work around here, I'm finding out. I'm "guilty," even after being exonerated of phony charges in two crooked counties and w/ O'Hare lapdog devotees like Schlossberg, Donovan, and Jeff Pooley taking action against me in the aftermath of their evil pal O'Hare losing to me, in court, twice, so far.

Oh well.

Rick Daugherty told me the Dems are "still very interested in finding a candidate to run against Jim Martin in 2011."

I told Rick I'll believe it when I see it, and I reminded Rick that Jim Martin ran unopposed in 2007, and 2003, because the local Dems didn't give the voters of Lehigh County a Democratic choice.

My Opinion: by excluding me from the process (for now), the local Dems have shot themselves in the foot. Not only do I have a treasure trove of damaging campaign issues against Jim Martin all neatly organized already ... I'm also an advertising copywriter and the author of all the successful campaign ads, brochures, radio spots, direct mailers, etc., for the last guy who won the office of District Attorney in Lehigh County before Jim Martin. Yep. Additionally, I possess both the means, and the motive, to de-throne big bad Jim Martin.

Oh well.

If the Dems do find a candidate (Zzzz), I'll just contact that person directly and circumvent petty O'Hare loyalist-obstructionists (and apparent fans of Jim Martin?) like Pete Wernsdorfer and Mike Schlossberg.

Out of the question (I guess?) would be a meeting w/ the Dem Officers to discuss de-throning O'Hare-Duped Dunces Donovan, Schlossberg, and Cunning-Ham next election. Oh well.


UpDate: Best Comment So Far

Lehigh County Democrat said...

My Take...

It's pretty slick (and sick) that the LC ExecCom Democrats are being duped into ostracizing their best ace in the hole versus Jim Martin, Bill Villa (and duped by another (alleged) "democrat" no less), which will likely result in a 3rd, unopposed 4-year term for a DA who is near-unanimously despised by both Dems and GOPs,
James B. (for burp) Martin.

What we're seeing here is the exact brand of jealousy and
"schadenfreude" (on the part of the Team O'Hare/Morning Call bloggers) versus civic-mindedness (a.k.a. the Villas) that has always doomed the Lehigh Valley and especially Allentown.

Over & Out...

Sun Feb 28, 09:57:00 AM 2010

Local Dems Not Serious About De-Throning DA Jim Martin

So ... I had been planning on calling Rick Daugherty last night anyway, to find out if the Lehigh County Democratic Party Officers had approved my "request" (and really, it was an "offer") to meet with them regarding how to beat crooked and (hiccup) incompetent DA Jim Martin in the 2011 election ... when suddenly ... this taunting anonymous comment appeared in our blog's in-box at 7:47pm ...

"Gee, to bad the demos turned you down and your won't be speaking to the officers. Oh well"

Hmm. Could this taunting anon know something I don't know yet? I called Rick Daugherty and sure enough ...

"The Lehigh County Democratic Party Executive Committee has turned down your request to meet with the Officers," Chair Rick Daugherty told me. Rick then said he was "sorry" for not calling me after the decision was handed down (i.e., rigged & rendered) on Monday night ... 3 days prior. Guess I wasn't much of a priority for Rick. Oh well.

Apparently though, someone from the Democratic Party Executive Committee was thoughtful enough to inform at least one person of its decision to deny & muzzle me-- that person being last night's taunting anonymous commenter from Team O'Hare who was, quite apparently, "in" on the decision. Our guess is that the taunting anon was probably O'Hare acolyte and "connected" (wink wink) perennial Dem candidate wanna-be loser Chris Casey who is a frequent taunting anonymous commenter here at LVS and who also has a documented history of sinking ships w/ his loose lips. Our guess on who led the charge against me among the Executive Committee Dems would be either or both of two well-known evil sadist shit-lovers and fawning fans of O'Hare on the Executive Committee, Pete Wernsdorfer and Mike Schlossberg. Just hunches, of course.

The reason Rick Daugherty gave for my denial & muzzling is "because you bash Democrats at your blog."

Well .. ya got me there, Rick.

We do indeed bash some Democrats (and some Republicans) at this blog-- in fact, in a bipartisan spirit, we bash all local politicos who ally w/ and enable the sadistically cruel and libelous provocations that are perpetrated against my grieving family by evil sadist hate blogger and lawsuit defendant Bernie O'Hare.

The richly deserving bashee Democrats who all worship regularly at the altar of O'Hare are Allentown City Council members Mike Donovan and Mike Schlossberg, Lehigh County Executive Don Cunning-Ham, and pusillanimous fellow faux dems Jeff Pooley and Geoff Brace (left).

Rick Daugherty, taking a page from the Jeff Pooley Playbook, claimed he "didn't know anything about" the shameful behavior of O'Hare-Duped Dunces like Allentown City Council VP (for now) and "first wave" subpoena recipient Mike Donovan, however, and again straight from the Pooley Playbook, Daugherty accepted as Gospel whatever character assassinations were hurled at moi by Executive Committee members "in the know" (wink wink) on the blog wars. And that's how things work around here, I'm finding out. I'm "guilty," even after being exonerated of phony charges in two crooked counties and w/ O'Hare lapdog devotees like Schlossberg, Donovan, and Jeff Pooley taking action against me in the aftermath of their evil pal O'Hare losing to me, in court, twice, so far.

Oh well.

Rick Daugherty told me the Dems are "still very interested in finding a candidate to run against Jim Martin in 2011."

I told Rick I'll believe it when I see it, and I reminded Rick that Jim Martin ran unopposed in 2007, and 2003, because the local Dems didn't give the voters of Lehigh County a Democratic choice.

My Opinion: by excluding me from the process (for now), the local Dems have shot themselves in the foot. Not only do I have a treasure trove of damaging campaign issues against Jim Martin all neatly organized already ... I'm also an advertising copywriter and the author of all the successful campaign ads, brochures, radio spots, direct mailers, etc., for the last guy who won the office of District Attorney in Lehigh County before Jim Martin. Yep. Additionally, I possess both the means, and the motive, to de-throne big bad Jim Martin.

Oh well.

If the Dems do find a candidate (Zzzz), I'll just contact that person directly and circumvent petty O'Hare loyalist-obstructionists (and apparent fans of Jim Martin?) like Pete Wernsdorfer and Mike Schlossberg.

Out of the question (I guess?) would be a meeting w/ the Dem Officers to discuss de-throning O'Hare-Duped Dunces Donovan, Schlossberg, and Cunning-Ham next election. Oh well.


UpDate: Best Comment So Far

Lehigh County Democrat said...

My Take...

It's pretty slick (and sick) that the LC ExecCom Democrats are being duped into ostracizing their best ace in the hole versus Jim Martin, Bill Villa (and duped by another (alleged) "democrat" no less), which will likely result in a 3rd, unopposed 4-year term for a DA who is near-unanimously despised by both Dems and GOPs,
James B. (for burp) Martin.

What we're seeing here is the exact brand of jealousy and
"schadenfreude" (on the part of the Team O'Hare/Morning Call bloggers) versus civic-mindedness (a.k.a. the Villas) that has always doomed the Lehigh Valley and especially Allentown.

Over & Out...

Sun Feb 28, 09:57:00 AM 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Take The "Pooley Pledge"

"I promise to look at the facts and decide for myself ..."

"I think it's only fair that I look into the backstory,
and I intend to ..."

"I've promised to look into it more."

-Jeff Pooley, PhD commenting at LVS on Feb 3, 2010

UpDate: after making his public pledge, Dr. Pooley appears to have mysteriously vanished.

We suspect fowl play.

Are you troubled by Nutty Professor Pooley's proactive, still un-researched, and libel-perpetuating Team O'Hare propagandizing? We are too.

FYI, the President of Muhlenberg College is Peyton "Randy" Helm, (484) 664-3247

Take The "Pooley Pledge"

"I promise to look at the facts and decide for myself ..."

"I think it's only fair that I look into the backstory,
and I intend to ..."

"I've promised to look into it more."

-Jeff Pooley, PhD commenting at LVS on Feb 3, 2010

UpDate: after making his public pledge, Dr. Pooley appears to have mysteriously vanished.

We suspect fowl play.

Are you troubled by Nutty Professor Pooley's proactive, still un-researched, and libel-perpetuating Team O'Hare propagandizing? We are too.

FYI, the President of Muhlenberg College is Peyton "Randy" Helm, (484) 664-3247

Saturday, February 20, 2010

NorCo "Bulldog" Ron Angle Caught Forging Signature Like Disbarred Lawyer Bernie O'Hare?

FACT: Evil sadist hate blogger Bernie O'Hare has been barred from practicing law since 1986 because he forged an African American client's signature on a phony settlement agreement, w/ evil intent, thus willfully sabotaging his own client's civil rights litigation against Bethlehem Steel.

FACT: In banning O'Hare from the lawyering profession, the Disciplinary Board of the PA Supreme Court cited the following reasons: dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, unauthorized activity, forgery, cover-up, conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice, illegal conduct, and moral turpitude (evil intent).

FACT: Proving he's never been rehabilitated, O'Hare and attorney (for now) David Najarian, Lynn Township Supervisor, publicly threatened to sabotage the civil litigation of my daughter Sheena at their "Troll Parade" blog in 2008.

FACT: Local media, including The Morning Call "newspaper" and WFMZ-TV "news" regularly quote and spotlight O'Hare as a reputable source for news, information, and opinion.

FACT: This blog has provided much better coverage of O'Hare's ugly past, and present, than anything you'll find in the local media or blogosphere. Compare and see for yourself. Here's our coverage ...

So did O'Hare Benefactor/Sugar Daddy Ron Angle forge his father's signature on the will?

We don't know ... but that's what some people are saying and by the way O'Hare is scrambling & spinning at his blog on the topic it only makes Angle look guiltier (twice), check that, thrice, wait, there's 3 more new Angle spin-posts at Ramblings, me thinks O'Hare doth protest way too much.

If you find yourself believing every word O'Hare says, sadly, you could be an O'Hare-Duped Dunce like Jeff Pooley PhD and you should seek immediate Med-Psyche attention.

NorCo "Bulldog" Ron Angle Caught Forging Signature Like Disbarred Lawyer Bernie O'Hare?

FACT: Evil sadist hate blogger Bernie O'Hare has been barred from practicing law since 1986 because he forged an African American client's signature on a phony settlement agreement, w/ evil intent, thus willfully sabotaging his own client's civil rights litigation against Bethlehem Steel.

FACT: In banning O'Hare from the lawyering profession, the Disciplinary Board of the PA Supreme Court cited the following reasons: dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, unauthorized activity, forgery, cover-up, conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice, illegal conduct, and moral turpitude (evil intent).

FACT: Proving he's never been rehabilitated, O'Hare and attorney (for now) David Najarian, Lynn Township Supervisor, publicly threatened to sabotage the civil litigation of my daughter Sheena at their "Troll Parade" blog in 2008.

FACT: Local media, including The Morning Call "newspaper" and WFMZ-TV "news" regularly quote and spotlight O'Hare as a reputable source for news, information, and opinion.

FACT: This blog has provided much better coverage of O'Hare's ugly past, and present, than anything you'll find in the local media or blogosphere. Compare and see for yourself. Here's our coverage ...

So did O'Hare Benefactor/Sugar Daddy Ron Angle forge his father's signature on the will?

We don't know ... but that's what some people are saying and by the way O'Hare is scrambling & spinning at his blog on the topic it only makes Angle look guiltier (twice), check that, thrice, wait, there's 3 more new Angle spin-posts at Ramblings, me thinks O'Hare doth protest way too much.

If you find yourself believing every word O'Hare says, sadly, you could be an O'Hare-Duped Dunce like Jeff Pooley PhD and you should seek immediate Med-Psyche attention.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Public Option is Gaining Momentum!

Thanks to the gutsiness of some freshman senators, a movement has begun to urge Senate Democratic House Majority Leader Harry Reid to reinsert the public option into the Health Care Reform Package, and pass the bill under House budget reconciliation rules. Reconciliation is a procedure that would allow a simple up or down vote with a majority of 51 Senators. There is NO filibuster allowed with reconciliation. These gutsy senators are Jared Polis (D-Colo) in photo left, Chelli Pingree (D-Maine) and Michael Bennet(D-Colo). They did not "run for the hills" in the aftermath of the Scott Brown debacle in Mass. They wrote a letter to Harry Reid, and so far 14 senators have signed on, and 40 have pledged support.

Even if there are not enough votes for a public option, an alternative would be to pass a Medicare buy-in which would allow people age 55+ to buy into a public plan. This idea was killed by douchebag senator Joe Lieberman(I-CT) who said he would filibuster any bill that included an expansion of Medicare. Well, sorry Joe, you cannot filibuster under reconciliation rules. So, come on Dems, let's get this done now. Polls have shown that the majority of Americans want to be able to choose a public option, which would lower costs for consumers. The recent 39% rate hike by Anthem BlueCross persuaded CA Senator Dianne Feinstein to sign on for real reform, and urge Harry Reid to include the public option. SCHIP, which is a really great government run healthcare insurance plan for kids, and a major health care reform bill, was passed through the House reconciliation process. So it is possible.

Sign a petition to demand a public option.
Democrats can get this done since they are the majority. Don't run for the hills wearing wet panties. Get this done NOW for the people.

Photo: Jared Polis (D-Colo)

The Public Option is Gaining Momentum!

Thanks to the gutsiness of some freshman senators, a movement has begun to urge Senate Democratic House Majority Leader Harry Reid to reinsert the public option into the Health Care Reform Package, and pass the bill under House budget reconciliation rules. Reconciliation is a procedure that would allow a simple up or down vote with a majority of 51 Senators. There is NO filibuster allowed with reconciliation. These gutsy senators are Jared Polis (D-Colo) in photo left, Chelli Pingree (D-Maine) and Michael Bennet(D-Colo). They did not "run for the hills" in the aftermath of the Scott Brown debacle in Mass. They wrote a letter to Harry Reid, and so far 14 senators have signed on, and 40 have pledged support.

Even if there are not enough votes for a public option, an alternative would be to pass a Medicare buy-in which would allow people age 55+ to buy into a public plan. This idea was killed by douchebag senator Joe Lieberman(I-CT) who said he would filibuster any bill that included an expansion of Medicare. Well, sorry Joe, you cannot filibuster under reconciliation rules. So, come on Dems, let's get this done now. Polls have shown that the majority of Americans want to be able to choose a public option, which would lower costs for consumers. The recent 39% rate hike by Anthem BlueCross persuaded CA Senator Dianne Feinstein to sign on for real reform, and urge Harry Reid to include the public option. SCHIP, which is a really great government run healthcare insurance plan for kids, and a major health care reform bill, was passed through the House reconciliation process. So it is possible.

Sign a petition to demand a public option.
Democrats can get this done since they are the majority. Don't run for the hills wearing wet panties. Get this done NOW for the people.

Photo: Jared Polis (D-Colo)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Rick Daugherty calling ...

[UpDate of previous post]

I just had a lovely 20-minute phone conversation w/ Rick Daugherty, Chair, Lehigh County Democratic Committee.

Pending approval by the Lehigh County Democratic Committee Officers, Linda Minger, Helen Sheerens, Courtney Robinson, and Celeste Dee (it's "ok" so far by Rick), looks like I'll be addressing them (and Rick) on Monday, April 19, 2010.

My (pending approval of the meeting) topic will be ...

How To Beat Lehigh County DA Jim Martin in the 2011 Election (Note: DA Martin "ran" unopposed in both the 2007 and 2003 "elections." The voters deserve a choice.)

My thanks to Rick Daugherty for getting back to me, and thank you also to Officers Linda Minger, Helen Sheerens, Courtney Robinson, and Celeste Dee for considering my request to address you ...

Rick Daugherty calling ...

[UpDate of previous post]

I just had a lovely 20-minute phone conversation w/ Rick Daugherty, Chair, Lehigh County Democratic Committee.

Pending approval by the Lehigh County Democratic Committee Officers, Linda Minger, Helen Sheerens, Courtney Robinson, and Celeste Dee (it's "ok" so far by Rick), looks like I'll be addressing them (and Rick) on Monday, April 19, 2010.

My (pending approval of the meeting) topic will be ...

How To Beat Lehigh County DA Jim Martin in the 2011 Election (Note: DA Martin "ran" unopposed in both the 2007 and 2003 "elections." The voters deserve a choice.)

My thanks to Rick Daugherty for getting back to me, and thank you also to Officers Linda Minger, Helen Sheerens, Courtney Robinson, and Celeste Dee for considering my request to address you ...